ILC Machine-Detector Interface Challenges Philip Bambade LAL-Orsay Workshop on the Future Linear Collider Gandia, Spain, December 1, 2005
Evolution of e e colliders adapted from K. Yokoya and J.-E. Augustin ILC DAFNE VEPP2M VEPP2ACO CEA BYPASS DCI SPEAR AdA SLC
Why shift to linear collider ? storage ring tunnel, magnets,… synchrotron radiation losses (RF) E 4 / optimum : equate both costs total cost & size E 2 unacceptable scaling !
Linear collider concept RF technology ( gradient, efficient power transfer ) beam phase-space control and stability synchrotron radiation still drives design… focus idea : cost and size E from N. Walker
LC machine : basic concepts example : TESLA linac rep. rate f ≪ ring frequency focus beam to small IP size very strong (achromatic) lenses ultimate limit (K. Oide) : energy from synchrotron radiation in lenses copious synchrotron radiation from colliding bunch space-charge (beamstrahlung), pinch, pairs, … DAMPING RING DETECTORS LINAC POSITRON SOURCE FINAL FOCUS POLARISED ELECTRONS D = disruption (pinch)
Beam-beam mutual focusing simulate collision with initial y offset detectable post-IP deflection main tool at SLC ( and LEP ) SLAC-PUB-6790
Main ILC specifications from ILCSC (September 2003) E c.m.s = TeV, upgradeable to ~ 1 TeV, capable of efficiently changing the energy ( scanning) L > 500 fb -1 in 4 years after initial year of commissioning Stability and precision of beam energy < Electron polarization > 80 % 2 interaction regions for 2 detectors, with similar E c.m.s and L capabilities, among which one should have a crossing-angle to allow a future upgrade to collisions Optional upgrades: , e e , e , GigaZ, polarized e
Successful SLC (warm / 3 GHz) experience
at optical focus : “depth of focus” want small y need z y SET z y hour-glass effect
ILC beam parameter optimization(s) SET z y ~ 2 n nominally L/L nom ~ 2.8
ILC beam parameter optimization Nominal Luminosity [cm -2 s -1 ] ~ 2 L/L nom ~ 2.8 BS backgrounds Design machine and detector for this set: E CM resolution Forward hermeticity Beam-beam systematics PRECISION PHYSICS
physics detector machine LC design & operation : new challenges ! HEP community strongly involved Special needs for some physics topics : Luminosity + energy + polarization – correlations – forward region – background detector damping ring compression injection backgrounds masks collimation final focus diagnostics controls linac extraction (diagnostics) SLAC model LC is open system “the experiment starts at the gun” LC performance “beam-beam interaction dominated” crossing-angle choice
Examples of direct impact on precision physics program ( more work on quantitative assessments needed ) Include detector & physics performance in global ILC parameter optimization
1. Cécile Rimbault
Strongly biases luminosity measurements if not well corrected precision goal = Cécile Rimbault
2. Cécile Rimbault
Comparison with LDC occupancy tolerance LDCteslanominallowQlargeYlowPhighLum N incVD /bx N hits /cm 2 / bx Tolerance : 3 hits/cm 2 /bx (TDR) Using : Nb hits/particle = 3 rough estimate Surface L1 = 1.5cm* 10cm*2 = 94 cm 2 high Lum & lowP are beyond the occupancy tolerance (C. Rimbault)
(S. Hillert & C. Damerell) Precision of secondary vertex charge determination as function of beam pipe radius Luminosity factor study also NEEDED to probe occupancy tolerance pipe ddd Dddd d
m top, m sleptons 2 m W 5 error reconstruction top quark threshold S.Boogert 3.
Beamstrahlung spread dependence with IP beam offset Expect variations larger by factors 2-4 with “Low Power” for similar IP offset feedback criteria M. Alabau NominalLow Power
very forward region crossing-angle choice head-on or 2mrad 20 or 14 mrad IP geometry forward region calorimetry at low angle 1. luminosity 2. veto ~ 25 TeV from e e pairs ( ~ 3 GeV ) ~ 43 TeV
20 (14) mrad 2 (0) mrad spent beam extraction (& diagnostics) easier harder (highest energy & luminosity ) local solenoid compensation needed not needed crab-crossing essential not essential Special IR magnet designs yes slightly harder Masking, collimation & backgrounds ? ….under study…. ? Beam diagnostics from pairs slightly worse a bit better Very forward hermeticity slightly worse a bit better Present ILC base-line Crossing-angle pros and cons BS
V. Drugakov
Ring 1 Ring 3 Electron veto efficiencies in BeamCal need to be introduced into stau analysis V. Drugakov
QUESTION TO EXPERIMENTAL COMMUNITY: Trade-off between: 1. Luminosity (factor 2-3, up/down) 2. Stronger beam-beam effects: luminosity spectrum, forward hermeticity, backgrounds, systematics,…
Indirect consequences through impact on configuration choices and physics options 2 IR complementarity, balanced risks and flexibility with 1 large & 1 small crossing-angle 1 IR (+ 2 nd later) crossing-angle choice affects articulation of physics program Only 1 IR priority to ILC operability at highest energies & luminosities probably implies large crossing-angle choice
Options if ILC must start with single IR: Best choice to eventually achieve highest energy and luminosity beyond nominal goals -2 nd IR optional (later?), dedicated to precision studies in specific channels, if physics requires it - Best conditions for physics at nominal energies and luminosity - 2 nd IR optional (later?), to enable the option and highest energy and luminosity beyond nominal goals, if physics requires and after accumulating learning experience N.B. These arguments are subject to debate in the ILC-WG4
Increasing awareness to MDI challenges in HEP ILC community Participation of Spanish groups in this work ( along side detector and physics activities ) important and very welcome: