Team Members: Charles Ristau (CPRE) Team Leader Theron Worthington (CPRE) Communication Liaison Yik Sen Tan (EE) Webmaster Mohd Tariq Azmy (EE) Document Manager Advisor: Dr. Daji Qiao Client: Iowa Health Des Moines User Friendly Requesting System
Central Sterile Processing (CSP) prepares instruments for the operating rooms (OR). Additional or different instruments might needed. Nurses to call CSP, sometimes so much that the phone lines are completely tied up.
Better form of communicating for logging requests. User friendly software Well organized request Time efficient communication system Fewer phone calls Get rid of the tongue depressor
Touch Screen Monitor - Price Range : $250 - Screen Size: 20” - May need to purchase with new PC iPad 2 - Price : $499 - Small Screen Size - Small Memory All-in-One PC (Touch Screen) - Price : $700 - Screen Size: 20” - Easy to see and set up
Terminals : All-in-One PC - Easy to set up - Neat, Space Saving (Mount on wall) - Expensive but still under budget Coding : Java - Used by previous ISU group in IHS hospitals - Multi-platform software language - All members have Java development experience
Unit Testing (JUnit) Functional Testing Modular Testing Manual Testing