Today’s (12.7) Report LIU Qian
East EC is ready, we are going to install the EC TOF next Monday.
Move the main bundles The breakout is protected The common end is protected By TOF Tricycle
The upper distribution box The main bundle New position, Direction: west to east (safer, and easier to connect with fibers) Old position, Direction: North to south The extra length of fibers are over-under coiled.
Close look of fiber management
The fibers’ heads They are all hidden in the shelter.
The rack Moon box UH Module Height: 1.20 m The ruler starts from 1.50 m Height: 1.60 m
Common end The common end of east. We didn’t remove the protective tube yet.
Conclusion We only finished the 12 bundles installation. (since the people who helped me install the fibers are employed temporarily, for now only one IHEP employee and I are installing the bundles. But that’s OK, since we don’t want to push it in a hurry.) The bottom box has been installed. We’ll try to finish the rest bundles in this weekend. Next Monday we’ll begin to install the EC TOF of east side.