Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Paris and the Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Isabelle Bachmann- RATP- Paris.


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Paris and the Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Isabelle Bachmann- RATP- Paris

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative introduction the greater Paris region: key facts and data Our involvement in UTBI Good examples in influencing behaviour of customers or citizens Conclusion of the group

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Greater Paris region: Ile de France 11 million Inhabitants Low density: 937 (people per Km 2) 8 counties, 1,2812 municipalities 5 million jobs

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative The city of Paris 2.1 million inhabitants High density : 20,000 (people per Km 2) in Paris and its near suburb) 1 municipality 65% of PT journeys focus on Paris

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative The organisation of PT within the region Authority STIF Improves Networks Financing and fare policies New infrastructure projects of PT Manage operators qualitative contracts 2 state owned operators: Ratp Sncf ( suburb trains) Private operators (buses) 82 private companies

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative RATP: a mass transit intergrated and multimodal network Metro RER BUS TRAM Alternative modes RATP areas and stations, bus stops ….. ……… passenger information Métro : 14 lines RER : 2 lines Tramway : 2 lines BUS : 322 routes workforce : 44,000

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Key data from the mobility market Public transport market share  30% Ratp market share  25% but between 12% in distant surburbs and 62% in Paris at rush hours

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Key data from the mobilty market Main issue Market share is stable and public transport traffic is increasing but not as fast the whole mobility market And supply increases each year

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Involvement in the UTBI How can we influence travel behaviour in order to increase the market share of public transport and retain existing customers ? Mobilty management Marketing and customer satisfaction Pricing policies Travel behaviour

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in Organisation of PT and mobility management - Integration of Transport and planning in a single entity (in the city of Valencia ): it’s one of the main pre-conditions for any success in the promotion of public Transport

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in Organisation of PT and mobility management -Brescia mobility ( depends from municipality): mobility management includes PT, car parks, cycle parks….

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in Organisation of PT and mobility management -Nottingham : traffic reduction ( new pedestrian zones, new car parks…)

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in marketing -The night buses in Bietigheim- bissingem for young people ( specifically equipped with video screens )  outcomes: increase the image of PT and the use of PT and discourage drink driving -The one year pass for young people within Ile de france : (picture)

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Marketing:Imagine’R pass Special price: A 50% saving on monthly pass fares Transport bonus: Unlimited regional travel at week-ends and school holidays Specific advantages: A complete range of attractive offers: reduced prices for leisure activities Dedicated website+specific events  Results : image of PT improved, market share increased and fraud reduced

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in price policies and ticketing  Helsinki: SMS Tickets and smart cards replaced the pre-bought tickets associated to mobile phone and Implementation of the smart card  Outcomes: Increased sales Reduced vehicle loading time (and increase speed on buses) and the cost of tickets

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in price policies and ticketing  Ile de France: half price for commuters Permanent pass (with loss insurance) and contracts with companies to encourage them to reimburse more than 50%.  Outcomes: customers A 7 years loyalty(average) and a life time value increased

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Good examples in Travel behaviour  the city of Bologna : access control Access control measures through the city centre to enforce pedestrian areas and Car sharing and preferential parking in the centre.  Outcomes reduce congestion and pollution. Improving the interchange and intermodality  In The Hague and in Nottingham (new project of interchange)  Good interchanges increase mobility and seamless travel

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Conclusion of the group How can we influence the travel behaviour of citizens in order to increase the market share and retain existing customers ? Seamless intermodal travel ( information, interchange) Pricing policies ( incentives; tax schemes…) Increase car parks and cycle parks Provision of facilities for taking bikes on PT

Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative Conclusion of the group Promote public transport over private vehicles If EEC decides to launchan European campaign for PT? ( like the mobility week)