OpEnSp a Ce Final Release Calvin Chin David Couvrette Jung Son Mikiko Jama CSE403 Summer 06
Completed Features Login/ Logout Login/ Logout New game/Join game/leave game New game/Join game/leave game Changing images ( by a illustrator) Changing images ( by a illustrator) Changing color of pen( by any associate) Changing color of pen( by any associate) Multiple games Multiple games Generating topic, determining a winner Generating topic, determining a winner Session to session Session to session Display members Display members Timer Timer Chat Chat
Incomplete Features Score (A few days, low-to-moderate difficulty) Score (A few days, low-to-moderate difficulty) Inkwell (A few days, moderate difficulty) Inkwell (A few days, moderate difficulty) Additional pen effects (Unbounded) Additional pen effects (Unbounded)
Latest Test Plan Completed: -Automated Unit Testing (Server side) -Automated Stress Testing(Server side) -Network Testing(Client side) -GUI Testing(Client side) Incomplete: -Unit Testing(Client side)
Remaining Risks and Issues A few outstanding issues in the network code. Occasional concurrency error (est. 1 week to fix) A few outstanding issues in the network code. Occasional concurrency error (est. 1 week to fix) OS-specific bugs (Linux client/server) (Few day fix) OS-specific bugs (Linux client/server) (Few day fix) OS limitations (Macs) (Unbounded, expected 1 week) OS limitations (Macs) (Unbounded, expected 1 week)CVS:/projects/instr/su06/cse403/OpEnSpaCeBugzilla: Current database down due to system failure