RPC GAS SYSTEM Commercial grade Gas :Do in-situ purification Regeneration must :Get back ~90% Fixed pressure control room: pressure at all points in room ~ 1mm (weather maker) Mixtures:3 Gas system (Each Module) + 1 Spare Safety : Level 1: RPC Safe :Level 2: People working and Level 3 : Everything Main Gas Tetrafluoroethane (High density leading to ~60 primary electron-ion pair
CERN Recirculation
Fractional Distillation
Gas Collection
Gas Distribution Mixed Gas
Gas Requirement For one Module : 64 RPC/Layer X140 Layer=8960~9K RPC Volume=200 X200X0.2=8000cc Total Gas = 8L/day (One volume/Day) 8000/24=333.33/60~=5.5 cc/min At least we need ~10 SCCM 10 X 9K== 90L/Min If 20% fresh gas ~18L/min=1080L/Hr=25920L/Day 1kg==220lts=25920/220=1080Kgs/day
Gas Requirement Avalanche Mode : 95 % Freon 1kg Freon 220 L 8640L/Day 8640/220=39.27=~40Kg/day 1 cylinder k-size is 27.7kg then =~1.5 Cylin/day
PURIFIER 1. CLOSED LOOP : Remove OF Water Vapour,O 2 halogens and silicons produced 2. TWO (ACTIVATED MOL. SIEVE + Copper WATER AND O 2 ) 3. REGENERATION : HEATING 180deg. +FLUSHING WITH Ar + H2 (935/7%) 4. LEAK RATE OF CHAMBER O2 Removal
RPC Tray