Distance Education Team 2 Security Architectures and Analysis
Distance Education Team 2 Members Chris Rush – Team Leader, Step 1 Mike Gazdus – A/V Expert, Step 1 Ron Banjeree – Tech Analyst, Step 2 Russ Griffith – Tech Analyst, Step 2 Scott Currie – Scribe, Step 3 Chris Ameter – Tech Analyst, Step 3 Jack Pickett – Tech Analyst, Step 3 Raman Rangswamy – Tech Analyst, Step 4 Ayman Lugman – Tech Analyst, Step 4
Distance Education Plan of Attack 1. Team/Strategy Meeting 18 SEP Initiate traffic to all team members 3. Initial DE Meeting – 20 SEP Start Part 2, 3, 4 teams on their presentations 5. Follow-up DE Meeting for remaining team members – 24 SEP Establish weekly meeting schedule with Director, of Distance Education for Software Engineering-CMU 7. Set meeting times for team member feedback
Distance Education CMU-DE Organizational Mission: “To offer the same high quality MSE courses currently available to resident students, through the use of on-line, Computer Based Training (CBT), and two-way audio two-way video through Distance Education”. Mel Rosso-Llopart Mel Rosso-Llopart Director, Distance Education
ADMIN Server Windows NT Oracle Product Server Linux/Apache My SQL Communication Tech Support CD – Lecture Material Web support people Class Web -Calendar - Assignments - Submit work - Assigned Reading - Files -Student Billing -Course Mgmt. - Program Mgmt DE instructor Tech support people Student Administrator
Network Topology DE System Computer Science Department WWW
Distance Education Requirements Phase: Current business requirements - HUB billing integration for payment verification - Server upgrades - Expand - Expanded coverage of database to the entire university - Initiate study of streaming technologies
Distance Education Requirements Phase, cont.: Future Requirements - Integration of course material within the campus Blackboard tm learning management system - Streaming Media incorporation within courses - Increase availability/access from a current student load of 150 students to a future load of 500 load of 150 students to a future load of Branding of On-line version of DE delivery - Search for software solutions for management and course delivery, either COTS or developed internally
Distance Education Computer Security Policies - Current focus is Quality and Course Content - No formal policy in place - Blanket coverage provided by CMU master firewall only Areas of concern - SSL encryption for web server - Virus protection for both servers - Maintenance software patches for OS’s - Secure communications to the HUB for account status
System State ADMIN Server Windows NT Oracle Product Server Linux/Apache My SQL Communication Virus/Worm? Virus
Distance Education Observations: - Adherence to current security policy is poor - Administration server is currently out of commission due to virus or worm - Commitment to commercial mailing of courseware - Administrative overhead and additional costs - Courseware development - Current development time 6-12 months per course - Course is developed by the instructor only - Modular courseware should be considered for established courses
Business Mission II How does this project fit the business mission? “My main concern is with delivery of content and quality to those who pay for the course.” Mel Rosso-Llopart Director, Distance Education Director, Distance Education
Business Mission II We must ensure content delivery and quality by providing: –Confidentiality to DE students –Integrity of course materials –Availability of servers to deliver content * We need to make sure this system is survivable.