Limonene 50ppb on Beta-Caryo SOA
Lights on at 10:11
20 min of lights
AMS is measuring much more than the DMPS at this stage
Less than 2 hours of light number and mass passed their peaks
The PTRMS is showing that the beta- caryo has already been consumed.. This is much faster than what was suggested from the Nov campaign results. O3 formation is a good indicator for beta- caryo consumption.. It really works
An update (2.5h of lights).. Number and mass peaked PTRMS: no more beta-caryo left O3 is forming (6ppb now) NO is coming down (5ppb now) and NO2 is increasing (22ppb now) Waiting for the rest of the NO to be converted to NO2 before starting dilution and limonene injection
It appears like a second mode is coming in… no effect on the number though!
After 3 hours of light, stopped the exp and flushed most of the bag onto a filter Injected Limonene and diluted the bag Injected more NO2 to get to 25ppb NOx but ended up with more than needed (47ppb) due to incomplete fill of the bag (mass came down to target)!
Limonene 50ppb onto B-caryo SOA Mode and mass increased while cpc saw no nucleation…
Nucleation started at ~ 14:15
AMS and DMPS are now in fairly good agreement while when measuring beta- caryo SOA alone the AMS was around a factor of 3 higher!! Could the DMPS be loosing too much beta-caryo mass because of volatility??
Dilution followed by fresh SOA formation
Particles are getting really big now
New fresh mode is growing
Nucleation stopped and mass still increasing
DMPS is seeing more mass than the AMS now!!! See next slide
And the AMS is seeing two modes
Mass has peaked (~2 hours of lights)
Almost 4 hours of lights (second phase)
Lights off 17:39