Rob Vergeer: THE CURRENT SITUATION IN DUTCH CHILDCARE….IN RECESSION TIME! University of East London ICMEC seminar 23 March 2009
23 March 2009 University of East London Succes of the childcare act
23 March 2009 University of East London Figures: Total budget Holland: million Euro in 2009 Expected extra costs in 2011: million Euro Temporary extra budget million Euro Structural extra budget 250 million Euro
23 March 2009 University of East London Measures parents: In 2009 childcare is 29% more expensive an hour for parents than in 2008 Research to link the use of childcare to the working hours of the parents
23 March 2009 University of East London Measures childminding: Saving €400 million in childminding Lowering maximum tax rate childminding (€6,10 to €4,-) Introducing babysitter grant (€2,50 an hour)
23 March 2009 University of East London Measures after school care: No index in 2009 to increasing price of the maximum tax rate Lowering maximum tax rate 2010 with 7%. from €6,10 to €5,67 an hour Limiting the number of hours, parents can get tax money (???)
23 March 2009 University of East London Measures daycare: No index in 2009 to increasing price of the maximum tax rate Limiting the number of hours, parents can get tax money (2.640 hour) Triodus hour Limiting the maximum standard package, childcare can offer to parents
23 March 2009 University of East London Results for after school care: Companies will raise their price in 2010 (no index 2009 and lowering tax rate 2010) Eg: price an hour €6,25 Max tax rate €5,80 Net cost for parents raise with €0,45 an hour
23 March 2009 University of East London Results childcare in common Costs remain the same Reveneus fall More expensive for parents Influence of recession? Demand failure Reduce service Dismissal of employees April 20 in parliament
23 March 2009 University of East London The future is positive: Number of inhabitants is decreasing More grey, less green Unique tension on labour market All women have to work More hours, more days Childcare is necessary to save the economy Will result in more budget
Childcare is now drowning in its own succes, but we’ll keep swimming till better times!! University of East London 23 March 2009
University of East London About
23 March 2009 University of East London Triodus in The Hague: City of Peace and Justice inhabitants Triodus founded in 1910 Almost 60 childcare facilities €30 million budget 1000 employees Member and founder of KINDwijzer (wise children) 0ver 300 million budget
A stormy view over the sea in present Dutch childcare! University of East London 23 March 2009