EAT IT! Why must you be such a sickly young man Existing on granola and some powdered bran I’ll give you my advice, Cause you need a better plan Just eat it, just eat it
EAT IT! Don’t want to argue I don’t want to debate I just don’t think your food fears really carry weight What bothers me more is what’s left on your plate So eat it
EAT IT! Don't tell me you're scared Just eat it, eat it A burger's just fine if you heat it, Have a green salad, have a cup of tea, The best you can do is eat variety Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it, Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it.
EAT IT! You get your info From those talk show docs You’ll never touch a burger from Jack-In-the-Box You’re scared of your food from your head to your socks So eat it Just eat it
EAT IT! You’re always telling me organic’s the way, But then you never tell me just how much you pay, I doubt that you can even afford your five-a-day, So eat it Else you’ll make yourself sick
EAT IT! Just eat it, eat it Don’t you make me repeat it There may be microbes And some residue But missing out on food’s The worst thing you can do
EAT IT! Just eat it, eat it It it’s bad you’ll excrete it. Food isn’t perfect, there may be a risk, But if you don’t eat, your life will be brisk Just eat it, eat it
EAT IT! Just eat it, eat it, Starving ain't no way to beat it, Have some potatoes, and some cooked squid, Keep an eye on the Food Guide Pyramid.
EAT IT! Just eat it, eat it A burger's just fine if you heat it, Have a green salad, have a cup of tea, The best you can do is eat variety Just eat it, eat it, Don't you make me repeat it.