ENGN 2500 Medical Image Analysis Project First Presentation Extraction and Visualization of Humerus, Radius and Ulna of Dogs “Subvoxel Polygonization of Discrete Implicit Surfaces Using ENO Interpolation” Firat Kalaycilar
Problem Elbow dysplasia is a condition involving multiple developmental abnormalities of the elbow-joint in the dog, specifically the growth of cartilage or the structures surrounding it (from Wikipedia). The disease can be diagnosed using 3D reconstruction of bones from CT data. Goal: Extract and visualize bones of interest in 3D.
Elbow of A Dog
ulna humerus radius CT Images
Approach “Subvoxel Polygonization of Discrete Implicit Surfaces Using ENO Interpolation” by Rodehorst and Kimia Take 3D distance transform of input CT images → DT Find surface zero-crossings of DT at grid lines using ENO interpolation → ENO anchor points (APs) Connect APs to obtain a 3D polygon mesh. Establish unambiguous connections. Disambiguate remaining ones based on the assumption that surfaces we want to reconstruct are smooth. This algorithm works like wave propagation. Visualize the resulting mesh.
Plan April 12 – April 19 Find or implement an appropriate 3D Distance Transform algorithm. Try to revive the existing code (doesn't compile and run) April 20 – April 27 Finish revival of the code or implement ENO interpolation as described in the paper. Obtain some interpolation results. April 28 MID-PROJECT PRESENTATION April 29 – May 06 Implement the wave propagation algorithm explained in the paper if the existing code doesn't work May 07 – May 15 Experiments. May 16 – May 17 FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION