Student academic skills center Time Management Student academic skills center Dr. Marsha Urban Rusty Walker Nanci Fowler Morgan
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Time Management Good time management skills = academic success. Time management has two parts: managing time and managing goals. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Term Calendar Read your syllabus for each class and record all academic events, deadlines, and due dates. Break down large projects into smaller tasks. (Ex: a large term paper can be broken down into finding a topic, doing research, outlining the paper, writing the paper, editing the paper, and checking the bibliography.) Post the calendar on the wall near your desk to use as a point of reference throughout the semester. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Weekly Calendar List what you do in a day to “see” how your time is being used. Find the spaces of time that are available (time between classes, waiting for friends after their classes, etc.). Start with a calendar that breaks the day into hours. Put all commitments on the calendar. This is a graphical map of your time for each week. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER To Do List Each day write a to do list on a small piece of paper or an index card as a guide for your day. This sets your intention to accomplish specific tasks during your day. How are you going to use your time? STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Strategies Use your daylight hours. An hour of studying during the day is more productive than an hour after dinner. During the week, schedule time for review for every class. This builds an active review time. Specify when you will spend time studying for each class—set beginning and ending times—create a routine for success. Use small chunks of time—even 5-15 minutes between classes—since they are valuable for study. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Strategies (cont.) Schedule exercise. Consistent sleep schedules support deep sleep. Eat breakfast every day. Take time for yourself. Learn to say no. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Manage your goals Goal Setting: (You are more likely to be a successful student if you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and accomplish.) Write out long range goals. Why am I attending college? What do I hope to achieve? Choose your top five goals. How can I achieve my goals? STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
Manage your goals (cont.) Strategies: Write specific goals that are measurable (ex: B+ average and attend all classes.) Write realistic goals. Challenge yourself, don’t defeat yourself. Discuss your goals with a mentor. Post your goals where you can see them. Periodically review your goals. Goals must be clear, concrete, and important. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
Review of Time Management Manage your time Term Calendar Weekly Calendar To do list Manage your goals: Write out your goals. Discuss your goals with a mentor. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER
STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Study Tips Identify your best time of the day. Study difficult and boring subjects first. Use the same place for formal study time. Use the library. Avoid distractions. Use waiting time. Treat college as a full-time job. STUDENT ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER