Stress Mini-Unit Psychology 12 Ms. Rebecca
Do Now What are some causes of stress in your life right now? What are some causes of stress in your life right now?
What is Stress? When your mind and body get excited because of what’s happening around you. When your mind and body get excited because of what’s happening around you.
How Stressed are you? Take the test! Take the test! htm htm
Is stress ALWAYS bad? NO! NO!
Stress can actually help you! Sometimes feeling stressed and challenges can help you get excited about reaching difficult goals. Also stress can help you get out of difficult situations. Ex: Fight or flight response. Sometimes feeling stressed and challenges can help you get excited about reaching difficult goals. Also stress can help you get out of difficult situations. Ex: Fight or flight response.
When is stress bad? It can ruin your mood and make it hard/impossible to be happy. It can ruin your mood and make it hard/impossible to be happy.
Some stress can even cause health problems!
Why do people get stressed? Many dif reasons. Here are some common ones: Many dif reasons. Here are some common ones: -Romantic Relationships -Romantic Relationships -Low self-esteem -Low self-esteem -Family Relationships -Family Relationships -Academic problems, grades -Academic problems, grades -transition to the career world/life changes -transition to the career world/life changes Loneliness Loneliness Money problems Money problems
Different levels of stress for different people What is stressful for one person may not be so stressful for another person. What is stressful for one person may not be so stressful for another person. Ex: Bus ride/ cab in heavy traffic Ex: Bus ride/ cab in heavy traffic
But there are some common things that cause stress for most people It’s good to know what some common stressors are so ewe can try to either avoid those types of stresses of figure out healthy ways of dealing with them. It’s good to know what some common stressors are so ewe can try to either avoid those types of stresses of figure out healthy ways of dealing with them.
Common Stressors Frustration Frustration Daily Hassles Daily Hassles Life Changes Life Changes Conflict Conflict
Frustration Happens when you can’t do things the way you want to. Es: Traffic causes you to miss an appointment. You realize you don’t have enough money to go on the vacation you want. Happens when you can’t do things the way you want to. Es: Traffic causes you to miss an appointment. You realize you don’t have enough money to go on the vacation you want. Frustration CAN lead to serious stress. Ex: you lose your thesis! Frustration CAN lead to serious stress. Ex: you lose your thesis!
Daily Hassles Household chores Household chores Health issues Health issues Time pressures, busy schedule Time pressures, busy schedule Feeling lonely Feeling lonely Environmental issues: pollution, crowded, traffic, crime etc Environmental issues: pollution, crowded, traffic, crime etc Financial issues: paying bills, saving Financial issues: paying bills, saving Future security: taxes, retirement, job security Future security: taxes, retirement, job security All of these things are small by themselves but they can build up and lead to sadness and worry. All of these things are small by themselves but they can build up and lead to sadness and worry.
Life Changes Cause stress because they require you to adjust your life and make changes to things that were comfortable. Even good changes like going to the college of you dreams can cause stress. Cause stress because they require you to adjust your life and make changes to things that were comfortable. Even good changes like going to the college of you dreams can cause stress.
Conflict Making decisions, having to choose sides. Making decisions, having to choose sides.
Now that you’ve learned about causes of stress let’s talk about why it’s bad Can affect quality of life Can affect quality of life Can make you sick Can make you sick Can make you gain weight Can make you gain weight Other health problems Other health problems
Why does stress cause Medical problems? Let’s back up! Let’s back up! Where does stress come from in nature? Where does stress come from in nature? Fight or flight Fight or flight Stress used to help us to survive Stress used to help us to survive
t-robert-sapolsky Stressed out baboons Stressed out baboons What type of baboons are stressed? What type of baboons are stressed?
BUT In nature, stress used to go away once animals/people were no longer in danger In nature, stress used to go away once animals/people were no longer in danger In today’s society it doesn’t go away. Your body may stay in a heightened state which is bad for your heart, immune system, etc. In today’s society it doesn’t go away. Your body may stay in a heightened state which is bad for your heart, immune system, etc.
What types of health problems? Allergies, hives, heart disease, lowered immune system. Allergies, hives, heart disease, lowered immune system. Why? Why? Everything your body does is to keep you ready to escape danger. No longer does your body work to try to keep you well. Everything your body does is to keep you ready to escape danger. No longer does your body work to try to keep you well.
Most common stress related health problems Headaches Headaches Heart Disease Heart Disease Cancer! Cancer!
What affects the way you deal with stress? 1. Expectations: Believing you can handle it. 1. Expectations: Believing you can handle it.
What affects the way you deal with stress? 2. Toughness: Commitment. Do you think that what you are doing is worth the stress even if it’s not fun? Do you feel like you ultimately have control over your stresses? 2. Toughness: Commitment. Do you think that what you are doing is worth the stress even if it’s not fun? Do you feel like you ultimately have control over your stresses?
What affects the way you deal with stress? 3. Sense of Humor: People who can see humor even in tough situations are less stressed. 3. Sense of Humor: People who can see humor even in tough situations are less stressed.
What affects the way you deal with stress? Predictability: people prepare themselves for stress ahead and it doesn’t hit them as hard. Predictability: people prepare themselves for stress ahead and it doesn’t hit them as hard.
What affects the way you deal with stress? Social Support: Friends and family can help. Social Support: Friends and family can help. Ex: Old people in retirement homes with visitors may recover faster than those all by themselves. Ex: Old people in retirement homes with visitors may recover faster than those all by themselves.
Ways of Coping With Stress Defensive Coping: NOT good! Defensive Coping: NOT good! Active Coping: good! Active Coping: good!
Defensive Coping Avoid the problem: Avoid the problem: 1. Drugs or Alcohol use 1. Drugs or Alcohol use 2. Violence: get in physical fights with people 2. Violence: get in physical fights with people 3. Withdrawal: Stop hanging out with people and lose interest in everything 3. Withdrawal: Stop hanging out with people and lose interest in everything 4. Suicide 4. Suicide 5. Defense Mechanisms 5. Defense Mechanisms
Active Coping Change stressful thoughts to relaxing of calming ones. P. 404 Change stressful thoughts to relaxing of calming ones. P. 404 Exercise Exercise Take Control: Do the things that you can to help the situation. Example: If you’re stressed about making the basketball team, focus your energy towards practicing instead of just getting stressed about try-outs. Take Control: Do the things that you can to help the situation. Example: If you’re stressed about making the basketball team, focus your energy towards practicing instead of just getting stressed about try-outs.
Now that you’ve learned some basics about stress Let’s see what the internet has to say about it! Let’s see what the internet has to say about it! Try to find a website with tips on how to deal with stress. Try to find a website with tips on how to deal with stress.
A good site about dealing with stress
Stress Reflection Answer the following questions to turn in before you leave! Answer the following questions to turn in before you leave! 1. Why do people get stressed? List 2 common things that cause stress. 1. Why do people get stressed? List 2 common things that cause stress. 2. Why do YOU get stressed? What specifically makes YOU stress out? 2. Why do YOU get stressed? What specifically makes YOU stress out? 3. What is a GOOD way to deal with stress? 3. What is a GOOD way to deal with stress? 4. What is a BAD way to deal with stress? 4. What is a BAD way to deal with stress? 5. What type of people are the best at dealing with stress? People who are social or people that are not social? 5. What type of people are the best at dealing with stress? People who are social or people that are not social? 6. What have you learned today that you think you will use to help you better handle stress in your life? 6. What have you learned today that you think you will use to help you better handle stress in your life?
Wrap Up for Psychology Class In the beginning of this class we talked about why it is valuable to study Psychology. Reminder: The goal of psychology is to try to understand why people think feel and act they way they do. With this knowledge we can help ourselves and others to try to live a healthy and happy life. In the beginning of this class we talked about why it is valuable to study Psychology. Reminder: The goal of psychology is to try to understand why people think feel and act they way they do. With this knowledge we can help ourselves and others to try to live a healthy and happy life.
In your own words answer the following questions: 1. Do you think this class was valuable to you? 1. Do you think this class was valuable to you? 2. Do you think you can use what you have learned in this class in your future? 2. Do you think you can use what you have learned in this class in your future? 3. What would you have liked to be different about this class? What would have made learning easier for you? 3. What would you have liked to be different about this class? What would have made learning easier for you? 4. What was your favorite unit in this class and why? 4. What was your favorite unit in this class and why? 5. What do you think is the most important reason to study Psychology? 5. What do you think is the most important reason to study Psychology?