1 Welcome to the first session of Course 2, Designing eLearning, Teaching and Training Instructions: To use this PowerPoint file switch now to ‘View’, ‘Notes Page’ to read how.
2 A new paradigm? (Adapted from Grabinger (1996) People transfer learning with ease by learning abstract and decontextualized concepts. New Assumptions Old Assumptions Learners are receivers of knowledge. Learning is behaviouristic and involves the strengthening of stimulus and response. Learners are blank slates ready to be filled with knowledge. Skills and knowledge are best acquired independent of context. Assessment takes place in formal settings, is independent of context and tests the reproduction of knowledge People transfer learning with difficulty, needing both content and context learning. Learners are active constructors of knowledge. Learning is cognitive and in a constant state of growth. Learners bring their own needs and experiences to learning situations. Skills and knowledge are best acquired within realistic contexts. Assessment must take more realistic and holistic forms
3 Theoretical perspectives Instructional Design Constructivism Behaviourism Cognitivism Humanism
4 Features of the main groups Humanism Autonomy Self development Intrinsic motivation Social Inductive Cognitivism Conceptual Interactive Discursive Knowledge Active engagement Behaviourism Outcome driven Transmissive Input/output Didactic Deductive
5 Rogers Knowles Piaget Bruner Ausubel Overview of models of learning Learning Continuum Goals are prescribed by teacher/trainer Individual sets own goalsSubject matter and stage of development determines goals BehaviouristHumanistCognitivist Skinner Gagne Thorndike Teacher Centred Presentation Deductive Individual learning Provide organised opportunities for insight to occur Deductive and Inductive Individual Learning Discovery Inductive Individual and group learning Student Centred Adapted from Reece & Walker
6 Models of eLearning Mason Mayes Jonassen Laurillard
7 Application of eLearning models Case study
8 Concluding remarks and Bibliography