Understanding Customers1 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Understanding Customer Differences
Understanding Customers 2 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Outline Views of Customers Strategy for dealing with Customers Market segmentation Consumer Psychology Consumer purchase behaviors Perceived Risks
Understanding Customers 3 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Views of customers 80/20 principle Majority fallacy: the blind pursuit of the largest, most easily identified, or most accessible market segment
Understanding Customers 4 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Strategies for Dealing with Customers Unsegmented, mass marketing: Aggregated Standardized offering Low cost/customer Ex: paper clips Custom Marketing: One-to-one Tailored offering High cost/customer Ex: tailors, doctors Market segmentation Key: Find the right level of aggregation
Understanding Customers 5 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Market (customer) Segmentation Dividing a Heterogeneous market into a number of smaller, more homogeneous subgroups. Not all buyers are alike. Subgroups of people with similar behaviors or values may be identified Subgroups will be smaller and more homogeneous than the market as a whole. A marketing effort targeted at the unique needs of small groups should be more effective.
Understanding Customers 6 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Typical ways to segment markets Geographic Demographic: gender, income, age, education, marital status, family life cycle, ethnicity, etc. Lifestyles/Psychographics: activities, interests, opinion, value. Behavioral patterns
Understanding Customers 7 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Behavioral Patterns RFM: Recency, Frequency, Monetary value of purchase Channel: catalog, mail, TV, internet, store. Benefits sought: lowest price, best technology, greatest value Services required: telephone support, in-person, . Loyalty: none, some, emotionally bonded, committed. Permission granted: ask to send , mail, or phone calls.
Understanding Customers 8 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 More Customer Segmentation 創新者 早期採用者 早期多數者 晚期多數者 落後者
Understanding Customers 9 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Customer Analytical methods On-line analytical processing (OLAP) Data mining Statistical techniques
Understanding Customers 10 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Different consideration for B2C, B2B, and VAPs B2C: mass personalization B2B: Premium, Prospect, Uneconomical, and Undesirable Value added partnerships, VAPs:
Understanding Customers 11 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 消費者心理學 追求真實感 注重個人參與感高 獨立自主具消費知識 欠缺 : 時間 注意力 信任
Understanding Customers 12 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Consumer Decision Process 1.Problem Recognition 2.Information Search 3.Evaluation of Alternatives 4.Purchase Decision 5.Post-purchase Behavior
Understanding Customers 13 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 Perceived Risks 財務 產品效能 心理 身體 社會 時間
Understanding Customers 14 CRM 吳明泉博士 2009 如何降低知覺風險? 參考團體訴求 零售商聲譽 品牌形象 保証