ESAP T T02-00 Qualitative (Tabular Summary, Bar Graph, Pie Chart) Purpose Allows the analyst to analyze qualitative data by summarizing it in sorted format, tabular summary, frequency graphs (bar), and relative frequency graphs (pie, bar). Inputs Qualitative data Outputs Sorted DataTabular Summary Frequency Bar GraphRelative Frequency Bar Graph Frequency Pie ChartRelative Frequency Pie Chart Limitations 1000 qualitative data elements 10 classifications
ESAP T An Example A random sample of soft drink preference was taken and the results were tallied as shown here. Develop the Frequency, Relative Frequency, Percent Frequency distribution for each soft drink. Create a bar graph and pie chart to graphically display the above distributions. You can enter the data from the ESAP data set for this problem easily by: Click On The Data Set which will automatically open in Excel, Copy, Paste Special, Values to the appropriate cells T02-00 Qualitative (Tabular Summary, Bar Graph, Pie Chart)
ESAP T Data can either be entered directly into the Original Data cells or copy, paste special, values into the cells.
ESAP T Once the data is entered the Sort macro can be run to sort the Original Data into the Sorted Sample cells.
ESAP T Worksheet Tabs can be selected to view the desired output
ESAP T The Tabular Summary displays the frequency, relative frequency and percent frequency by classification.
ESAP T Cell A1 allows you to set the decimal point accuracy for the relative frequency and percent frequency.
ESAP T The Frequency Bar Graph (FBG) displays the frequency bar graph by classification
ESAP T The Relative Frequency Bar Graph (RFBG) displays the relative frequency bar graph by classification
ESAP T The Percent Frequency Bar Graph (PFBG) displays the percent frequency bar graph by classification
ESAP T The Frequency Pie Chart (FPC) displays the frequency pie chart by classification
ESAP T The Relative Frequency Pie Chart (RFPC) displays the relative frequency pie chart by classification