1 MICE PM Report Installations to date Future installation work Preparations for Phase Two Target status MICE Video Conference, 22nd May, 2008
2 Installations to Date Good progress over the last few months: –Partial cold test of decay solenoid complete – liquid helium demonstrated, compressor upgrade underway, full re- commissioning by 16 th June –South shield wall supports well underway –Pre-fabrication started for North support structure started –First plates arrive 22nd May –Concrete removal is done, structural weakness OK after all –False floor design making progress – difficulty with quench forces, but now solved –Re-worked targets in progress, gate valve is open and agreement to use current target some more – see later –Conventional magnet installation is complete, Q7,8,9 are soak- tested and signed off Don’t intend to cover detail here – see MICO page and MICE News page
3 Future Installations For completion of Phase One we need to: –Install DSA roofing (ready to get quote) Installation in August now –Build LH2 vent system (design in progress) But this is a concern – not sure the access/labour/ISIS shielding problems are really solved –Final sign off of decay solenoid (mid-June) –Complete shield walls and install false floor (end July) First batch of shield plates arrive today –Soak test and sign off all remaining conventional magnets (end May) –Hall and DSA PPS operational (end July) Delayed due to shortened May shutdown –Complete electrical installation Steve Griffiths has itemised and understood all the tasks, aiming for July/August, but some delays inevitable as other parts are late
4 Installations to date Concrete removal in progress Old photo, it’s actually finished First shield wall support
5 Preparations for Phase Two Step One in progress –Sliding beamstop is designed and parts are being ordered –Long lead time means we miss May shutdown though –Less sophisticated but cheaper static version will be used (largely existing materials) But the real concern is late delivery of TOFs, due to PM problems –Fall-back is to mount TOF0 outside the DSA, so we are de-coupled from the DSA access during shutdowns
6 Preparations for Phase Two Detailed WBS and bottom-up cost estimates are underway Various options to fit within likely funding profile RF Infrastructure project a significant part – previously not on anyone’s list Mechanical integration drawings of each discrete MICE step are being prepared – better able to assess the work content that way.
7 Preparations for Phase Two Status of major beamline components: –Spectrometer solenoid Magnets being assembled by contractor, some minor assembly problems, solenoid #1 arrives at RAL August, #2 October –Diffuser Mechanical assembly almost complete at Oxford, test programme agreed, physical integration trial with tracker at IC in July –RFCC Final design review at Collaboration Meeting in June. Biggest component we fit, must not under-estimate the integration –KL & TOFs Ever closer to delivery, problems with PM tubes, but fingers crossed KL itself and TOF & KL cables will be collected from Italy next week –Solid spool piece and absorber In manufacture at UNIGE and FNAL, delivery in August, leak test at RAL
8 Target status Good progress with the target at both Sheffield and RAL –All new mechanical bits for both new targets are at Sheffield –New QA for actuator coil assembly and testing have been implemented –New coils (see above) are complete –Both target assemblies should be ready by the end of May –We miss the (now shortened) May shutdown to install the new on-line target, but that’s OK: ISIS are happy for us to continue running the existing target in machine physics shifts They have encouraged the target group not to hurry and to get a realistic amount of testing done with the new targets On & Offline targets will now be installed during August shutdown (4 th -28 th ) The above is crucial to the success; it’s the trap we fell into last time