CSE115: Introduction to Computer Science I Dr. Carl Alphonce 219 Bell Hall 1
Announcements First class? Print a syllabus from website. No recitations this week – they begin next week. And… 2
cell phones off laptops away 3
Today Advice Homework Web site tour Lesson 1: Preliminaries –field/course overview Lesson 2: Representing things –information encoding –symbol interpretation 4
Advice Get involved! –Student organizations CSE-UGSA ACM student chapter SWE student chapter Robotics Club –Let faculty know you Office hours UG research / projects 5
Advice Internships / summer jobs Summer REUs Read from department –Jaynee Straw (CSE advisor) –Prof. Sridhar (UG director) 6
Advice High School vs. College (Murray State) 7
Most Important Advice Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Eat well and get enough sleep. Have fun! 8
Homework Name sign Materials –one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper / cardstock –fastener: tape, paper clip, staple One winner per lecture Judging on Monday 9
Lesson 1 – CSE Spectrum Why is CS/CEN cool? 10
12 ←Suzanne Vega ←Tom’s Diner ←MP3 player
13 ←e-reader ←digital camera ←Cell phone ←Camera phone ←2D barcode
14 GPS
16 Payment methods –Pay-at-the-pump –Cell-phone payment
17 ←Saab JAS39 Gripen ←Inherently unstable ←Can only fly under computer control ←Very agile, short take-off and landing ←Buffalo connection: Calspan helped solve instability issue ←Fly-by-wire commercial aircraft
18 →Software development environment →Teamwork
Photo Credits 19 Tom's Restaurant photo. Date: Author: Rick Dikeman Suzanne Vega photo. Date: Author: Michal Maňas GPS photo. Date: Author: Vijverln, Modified: Emmanuel Boutet The teamwork photo is from: Camera photo: 1&partNumber=DSCW150 Smartphone phone: Facebook logo: Google logo: Twitter logo: Facebook logo: Hulu logo: Wikipedia logo: Amazon logo: en Kindle: All photos, except for the teamwork photo, are from Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license. Aside from the ones noted below, all from the Wikimedia Commons are in the public domain.
Lesson 1 – CSE Spectrum Why is CS/CEN cool? 20 Computer Engineering (“Hardware”) Computer Science (“Software”) cell phones pay-at-pump electronic voting fly-by-wire / drive-by-wire electronic health records robotic surgery smile-sensing cameras social networking mapquest/google maps/gps games privacy mp3 / Suzanne VegaSuzanne Vega etc.
Software development CSE115 Introduction to Computer Science I CSE116 Introduction to Computer Science 2 CSE250 Data Structures CSE305 Intro to Programming Languages CSE442 Software Engineering 21
Software systems CSE321 Real-Time & Embedded Operating Systems CSE411 Intro to Computer Systems Administration CSE421 Intro to Operating Systems CSE422 Operating Systems Internals CSE451 Program Development CSE462 Database Concepts CSE486 Distributed Systems CSE489 Modern Networking Concepts 22
Artificial Intelligence CSE435 Information Retrieval CSE463 Knowledge Representation CSE467 Computational Linguistics CSE473 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Processing CSE474 Intro to Machine Learning 23
Theory CSE191 Discrete Structures CSE331 Intro to Algorithm Analysis & Design CSE396 Intro to the Theory of Computation CSE431 Algorithm Analysis & Design 24
Hardware/Architecture CSE241 Digital Systems CSE341 Computer Organization CSE379 Intro to Microprocessors and Microcomputers CSE452 VLSI Testing CSE453 Hardware/Software Integrated Systems Design CSE490 Computer Architecture CSE493 Intro to VLSI Electronics 25
Information encoding/decoding Text (ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode, Morse code…) Images (GIF, JPG, …) Music (mp3, …) Video (MPG, …) Quantity (decimal, binary,…) 26