The Graduate School at The University of Missouri– St. Louis Kathleen M. Haywood, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Education in the College of Education Welcome Rajabhat University!
Organization of Graduate School at the University Graduate School Dean of the Graduate School College of Business Dean College of Arts and Sciences Dean College of Education Dean College of Fine Arts & Communication Dean College of Optometry Dean College of Nursing Dean
Organization Overlay structure Students are admitted to the Graduate School Students also are admitted to a specific degree program housed in one of the colleges Programs recommend admission decisions to the Graduate Dean
Organization Students graduate from the Graduate School Programs inform the Graduate Dean that the student has met the requirements for a specific degree Faculty in a program recommend the curriculum of that program
Organization The Dean of the Graduate School as well as the Deans of the various colleges report to the Provost (the Academic Affairs division of the University)
Governance of Graduate Programs Three groups work with the Graduate Dean The Graduate Council Representatives from the various colleges Has committees that review proposals for new graduate courses, new graduate programs (curriculum), and scholarships/awards Maintains a set of rules or policies for all graduate programs and recommends changes to the Graduate Faculty for approval
Groups Working with the Graduate Dean The Graduate Faculty All faculty with a terminal degree (usually the doctorate) on regular appointment Others as recommended to the Graduate Dean by the graduate faculty within a program Graduate faculty members teach graduate courses and sit on graduate student committees Meet regularly and act on items of policy brought by the Graduate Council or the Graduate Dean
Groups Working with the Graduate Dean The Graduate Program Directors A faculty member representing one or more graduate programs Sometimes represents a department housing graduate programs, sometimes represents a college housing graduate programs Typically given release time from teaching to administer day-to-day responsibilities Communicating admission decisions Approving plans of study Approving graduate lists Requesting waivers of rules
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Study Undergraduate Larger classes Lower tuition Faculty mixture: professors, adjunct professors, teaching assistants Culmination of program: often courses Graduate Smaller classes Higher tuition Faculty: professors Culmination of program: often a thesis or dissertation
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Study Undergraduates often read about research (read syntheses), review research literature, and sometimes engage in research or inquiry Graduate students typically review research literature and often engage in research or inquiry; they typically study research methodology in more depth
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Study These are generalizations There are exceptions In fact, there is a continuum, even within graduate study, with some of the same distinctions between Master’s students and Doctoral students Doctoral classes are very small Doctoral students more often mentored individually
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Study In graduate classes, a bigger emphasis is placed on: Analyzing and synthesizing information Seeing information from various perspectives Adopting a position and defending that position
Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate Study Defense of a thesis or dissertation involves: Written and oral communication of research findings Defending choices Based on literature Based on sound research methodology
Relative Costs The nature of graduate study makes programs more expensive to offer than undergraduate programs $263 vs. $216 per credit hour Nonresidents of the state (Missouri) pay about 2.3 times as much ($263 vs. $679) Most institutions balance large undergraduate programs with smaller graduate programs to manage costs
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