What’s Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew? Laura, Kileen, Kate, Erica, Ashley
GLE standards (Math & Science): Measurement: 2. Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements – A. Use standard or non-standard measurement Use a referent for measures to make comparisons and estimates
Phase of the Learning Cycle: Explore Students already have basic knowledge about these concepts from real-life interactions and from reading this book. Students will be furthering their knowledge by making comparisons between various organisms using their relative sizes.
Overview of Mini-Lesson: We would begin the activity by comparing a few of the organisms listed on the first few pages (ex. shrew vs. elephant, ladybug vs. leaf) Then, the students are asked to come up with additional organisms to compare to those already discussed (ex. ladybug vs. dog)
Connection to prior articles: “Literacy in the Learning Cycle” Everett & Moyer (2009). – When students are able to make connections to children’s literature, they can place a meaning behind the science or math concept being taught.