Persans – 1/31/02 Fiber Optics in Communications and Computing Peter Persans Physics Dept., SC1C10, persap
Persans – 1/31/02 Trans-Atlantic Communications words/min
Persans – 1/31/02 Trans-Atlantic Communications: words/min
Persans – 1/31/02 A prototypical fiber system
Persans – 1/31/02 Elements of a communications system signal source transceiver (light source + modulator) multiplexer optical fiber amplifier optical fiber demultiplexer transceiver (receiver) electronics
Persans – 1/31/02 Limits of the capability of fibers mode dispersion material dispersion waveguide dispersion
Persans – 1/31/02 Fundamental limits of fibers: attentuation
Persans – 1/31/02 Fundamental Limits Limit on the amount of power we can put into one end of a fiber (non-linear loss) Limits on the separation of two digital bits from one another (dispersion) Limits on the loss in a fiber with distance Limits on the detection of a signal from a background.
Persans – 1/31/02 Fundamental limits