CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 1 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Welcome to unit CSE9020 (and possibly CSE3200) better known as ‘The Case Study’ for Semester 1, 2004 John Carpenter - the Unit organiser is Phone contact is , with voice mail Room ‘C’ Building, C4.05 John is a part-time staff member, and is usually only on campus Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (from late morning)
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 2 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 CSE9020 CSE3200 Prerequisites : Prerequisites CSE9000 CSE2200 CSE9001 CSE2201 CSE9002 CSE2203 IMS9001 CSE2132 or equivalent
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 3 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 The Supervisors for CSE9020 and CSE3200 adopt these roles 1. The User 2. Quality Assurance Manager 3. Quality Reviewer 4. Assist with team organisation 5. Product Examiner
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 4 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Student Handout –Prerequisites –Objectives –Supervisor’s Roles –Assessment –Resources –Deliverables –Calendar –and the Project outline
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 5 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Your first goal will be to get an understanding of the Project, which is related to Financial Planning. Next,in your team, to develop a clear understanding of what the team is going to produce (no preset product details): 1. As the response to the Project 2. As Documentation 3. As the result of your understanding and observance of the various standards.
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 6 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 When you have had an opportunity to read the various documents you should focus initially on these : 1. The Business Case Standard, because the Business Case Document is due in Week 4 2. The Project Plan Standards 3. The Quality Requirements this is 3 out of the 7 Standards documents
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 7 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Quality System (lecture) Quality Manual Situation Overview Team Handouts Team Formation
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 8 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 The Documents you are going to produce are – 1. The Business Case Justification (week 4) – 2. The Methodology and Quality Planning Document (week 6) – 3. Standards to be used in the Preparation of the User Manual (week 7) – 4. The Testing Strategy (week 8) – 5. The Implementation and Acceptance Test Specification (week 10) – 6. The User Manual (week 13)
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 9 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 This means (a) you will need to be clear as to the content of each of these documents (b) your reports will need to be informative but precise and concise (short but meaningful) (c) team members will probably be deployed to write parts of the reports (d) the quality reviewer will need to ensure conformity of style and content
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 10 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 (e) each member of the team must be aware of the content of the complete document (perhaps a ‘final reading’ session) (f) the final total document must be quality assessed, amended if necessary, and then certified as being the final and complete version
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 11 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 General Requirements for Documents 1. Each Document presented is to have –The Name of the Deliverable –The Group Number –The Group Members’ Names –The Group Members’ I.D. Numbers –The Unit Code and Name –The Supervisor’s Name –The Due Date –A Table of Contents –A Short Synopsis (Executive Summary)
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 12 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 General Requirements for Documents 2. The documents are to be produced using Word 3. Spell checking is to be used 4. Section numbering is to be used 5. If paragraphing numbering is required, the particular document standard is to be applied. Paragraph numbering is required for all documents which act as source documents for further development (e.g. the Testing Strategy and Acceptance Test Specifications)
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 13 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 6. Each submitted document is to have the Quality Reviewer’s certificate included 7. Each submitted document is to be accompanied by a Certificate which indicates the contribution of each member to the document’s content and style 8. The Certificate is to be signed by each member indicating acceptance of time, effort and skill contributions of the other members A copy of the Certificate is available from the web page
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 14 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Web address for the overheads and other materials is:
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 15 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Finally : Building Evacuation: There are no Floor Wardens on the Campus in the evenings If the Building Evacuation Warning System activates: –Collect your belongings –Exit by the EXIT doors –Do not use Lifts or Escalators –Head for the lawn (common) outside K Block - leave the Campus at your discretion TREAT EVERY EVACUATION ALERT AS REAL
CSE9020 / 2004 Wk01 / 16 CSE9020 CASE STUDY Week1 Room Allocations: Lecture Theatre - S Block, Link Theatre 6.00pm Evening Supervisor Sessions: B Wednesday - Erling Breaden B Wednesday - Dempsey Chang B Wednesday - Santosh Kulkarni B Wednesday - Joseph All rooms are booked from 7.30pm