DE1 FPGA board and Quartus


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Presentation transcript:

DE1 FPGA board and Quartus CPU Architecture

Objectives The FPGA board Using Quartus Coding Compiling Simulating Pin Assignment Configuring the board Debugging PLLs and Templates

Altera DE1 FPGA Board Cyclone II EP2C20F484C6 FPGA 512KB SRAM , 8MB SDRAM ,4MB Flash 50MHz,27MHz and 24MHz oscillators for clock sources SD Card socket 4 pushbutton switches 10 toggle switches 10 red and 8 Green LEDs 24-bit audio CODEC VGA DAC RS-232 interface PS/2 mouse/keyboard Interface Two 40-pin Expansion Headers

DE1 board description

Quartus II Synthesis tool Place and Route Simulator Debugger Programmer And much more

Example application 32bit behavioral counter with enable 8 MSB connected to green LEDs Enable connected to switch Clock to 50MHz onboard oscillator

Example Code library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity counter is port ( clk,enable : in std_logic; q : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)); end entity; architecture rtl of counter is signal q_int : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); begin process (clk) if (rising_edge(clk)) then if enable = '1' then q_int <= q_int + 1; end if; end process; q <= q_int(31 downto 24); -- Output only 8MSB end rtl;

Project Files description .qpf Project file .qsf Settings file (timing , constrains , pin) .vhd Design file , must be at least a top level design file , its ports are directly connected to physical pins .stp Signal Tap file .vwf Simulation Waveform file .sof FPGA programming file

What is a Top Level Serves as a top level hierarchy Connects to FPGA physical pins All the I/Os are routed through it

Starting New Project Open Quartus II (7.2) Start Wizard File->New Project Wizard Click Next , Specify Name of Project and the directory and click Next Specify files you want to add and click Next Specify FPGA and click Next , Next and Finish Cyclone II , EP2C20F484C6

Turn off Incremental Compilation Assignments->Settings->Compilation Process Settings -> Incremental Compilation

Operating VHDL Files Create new files File->New Add existing files and set compilation order Assignments ->Settings->Files Changing Top level entity Assignments->General ->Top-level entity Analyze the project : Push Button View resource utilization at “Compilation Report”

Viewing Synthesis results RTL Synthesis Tools -> Netlist Viewers -> RTL viewer Technology Synthesis Tools -> Netlist Viewers -> Technology map viewer

Setting Simulation Add Vector file File->New Add signals Edit->Insert->Insert node or bus Press the “Node Finder” and select signals Change Simulation Time Edit->End Time, Edit->Grid Size

Setting waveforms Use the buttons on the left side to generate input signals

Running simulation Save the Waveform file and go to : Assignments-> Settings->Simulator settings Set simulation mode to Functional and choose your file as simulation input Ctrl+Shift+K – Starts the simulation Look on The simulation report

Setting clock constrains Open Settings : Assignments -> Settings->Timing Analyzer Settings -> Classic timing analyzer settings Press “Individual clocks” button

Setting clock constrains Click New At the end press OK Specify Some Name Select Input Set Frequency

Manual Pin Assignments Open Pin Planner (Assignments -> Pins) Specify Pin Numbers according to DE1 Data book with PIN_ prefix

Automatic CSV pin Assignment Uses CSV file from manufacturer Top level names must be according to CSV file Open : Assignments -> Import Assignments Select CSV File Press OK

Full compilation Press Button After compilation open timing analyzer in compilation report and see that all timings are OK.

Programming the FPGA Connect the DE1 board to power Connect DE1 board to PC using USB cable Power on the board using RED button Push the programmer button in Quartus

Programming the FPGA - cont Push Hardware Setup and Select USB-Blaster Push the Auto Detect button Then double click the <none> and select sof Check the “Program configure” box Push Start button

SignalTAP logic analyzer A SignalTAP logic analyzer is used for debugging of FPGA logic. Do not require huge and expensive equipment No massive external connections needed Captures internal FPGA signals using a defined clock signal Uses FPGA resources

Logic Analyzer - How it works Like a Pipe with water with faucet (trigger) Water are getting in all the time (data) When trigger occurs faucet closes (capture stops), and you can see what is in the pipe Trigger Options Pre Trigger Center Trigger Post Trigger TIME Old Samples New Samples trigger Samples Captured

Signal TAP - How it Works Signal Tap “Wastes” FPGA Logic

Activating STP in Web Eddition Go to : Options -> Internet Connectivity -> TalkBack Options

Signal TAP Usage Create .STP File Save .STP File & Compile with Design Assign Sample Clock Specify Sample Depth Assign Signals to STP File Specify Triggering Setup JTAG Save .STP File & Compile with Design Program Device Acquire Data

Create new STP File Method 1 Select the in Quartus II Method 2 Select New (File Menu) Other Files SignalTap II File

STP Componnents JTAG Chain Configuration Instance Manager Waveform Viewer Signal Configuration

STP Setup Select USB-Blaster Set Sample Clock Specify Sample Depth In JTAG Configuration Set Sample Clock Use Global Clock Every Sample taken at Clock Rising Edge Cannot Be Monitored as Data Specify Sample Depth Set Trigger mode Sequential Specify Trigger Position Pre , Center , Post Select Number of trigger conditions

Adding Signals Select “Setup” tab and add signals (double click)

Setting Triggers All signals must satisfy trigger condition to cause data capture Right-Click to Set Value

STP Compilation Save The STP file Open Assignments  Settings Specify the STP File to Compile with Project Run Full Project Compilation and reprogram FPGA

Acquiring Data Signal Tap II Toolbar & STP File Controls Run Autorun Stop

Templates While in VHD file push button on the left In a template window select the needed logic template

PLL Open MegaWisard Tools->MegaWisard Plug in manager and click Next Select VHDL Set Name Open I/O Select ALTPLL Click Next

Practice Build a 8 bit circular Shift Register with enable Make all the Quartus process as with counter

Working At Home You can download a Quartus Web edition version from

References Quartus user manual DE1 board data sheet Altera web site. Cyclone II Data sheet

Any questions?