EDGE™ Final Project Presentation P09141 – Satellite Thermal Heater Controller Anthony Berwin (Mechanical Engineer)
EDGE™ Project Status Update Project Name –Satellite Thermal Heater Controller Project Number –P09141 Project Family –ITT Corporation Track –Aerospace Systems and Technology Start Term –Winter 2009 End Term –Spring 2009
EDGE™ Project Status Update Faculty Guide –Mr. George Slack, Electrical Engineering Faculty Consultant –Dr. Mark Hopkins, Electrical Engineering –Dr. Margaret Bailey, Mechanical Engineering Customers –Chuck Moon, Supervisor, ITT Corporation, Space Systems Division –Scott Reardon, Project Manager, D3 Engineering
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Mission Statement Project Objective Statement The primary focus of ITT's partnership with RIT is to utilize a senior design group to design, analyze and test a scalable prototype of a thermal heater controller that will be present in future satellite- imaging systems. When compared to the current Heritage for thermal control, this prototype shall demonstrate a higher level of thermal performance, reduce overall weight and reduce the power consumption of the satellite. Project Deliverables The primary business goals are to: Demonstrate an enhancement to ITT's current distributed autonomous thermal controller. Create a more competitive thermal controller that is lightweight, scalable, modular, reliable, cost effective and power efficient. Demonstrate the ability to adjust thermal conditions while in orbit and verify thermal model by system testing prior to launch.
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Mission Statement Project Opportunities The primary market for this prototype is the Space Systems Division of ITT. The secondary markets for this prototype may include groups involved in satellite imaging applications, which require thermally stable critical optical subsystems. Assumptions Operating specifications Time constrained to 22 weeks Stakeholders ITT Space Systems Division D3 Engineering RIT's College of Engineering RIT MSD program RIT students and faculty involved in the project Arnel Alverio
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Staffing Requirements DisciplineQuantityResponsibilities Project Manager 1 Responsible for planning group activities, conducting meetings, project documentation and weekly project objectives. Will ensure project objectives are completed on time and within the budget. Responsible for maintaining contact with project customers, stakeholders, the faculty guide and the project team. Industrial & Systems Engineer 1 Responsible for project integration and documentation. Will assist other team members with the design, documentation and integration processes and selecting required parts. Responsible for the feasibility and risk analysis. Responsible for integrating subsystem designs and ordering parts. Responsible for the project plan, test plan and assembly plan for MSD II. Mechanical Engineering 2 Responsible for design of the thermal stabilization in the slaves. Responsible for design of the slave enclosure. Responsible for the thermal and structural design, analysis and documentation. Responsible for material and component research and selection. Responsible for the drawing package and the bill of materials. Electrical Engineering 3 Responsible for design of the printed circuit board, communications, sensors and the control system. Responsible for the electronic design, analysis, simulation, testing and documentation. Responsible for component research and selection.
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Intellectual Property Considerations All work to be completed by students in this track is expected to be released to the public domain. Students, Faculty, Staff, and other participants in the project will be expected to release rights to their designs, documents, drawings, etc., to the public domain, so that others may freely build upon the results and findings without constraint. Students, Faculty, and Staff associated with the project are encouraged to publish findings, data, and results openly.
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure Satellite Thermal Heat Control System Design Customer needs understood Target specifications understood Risk analysis complete Product concepts generated Product concepts selected Product concepts tested Final specifications approved System level design completed Detailed design completed Design reviewed/approved Drawing package complete Assembly Materials selected/approved Suppliers identified/approved Materials procured Mechanical system complete Electrical system complete Control system complete System integration complete Prototype assembled Testing and Refinement Prototype testing designed Prototype tested Test results analyzed Prototype debugged Prototype improved Repeat process Documentation Design complete Drawing package complete Assembly complete Testing and refinement complete
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure PersonWeek 1 TasksWeek 2 TasksWeek 3 Tasks ME 1Planning of group activities, meetings and weekly project objectives. Assist other engineers with design and parts selection. Assist in concept generation and evaluation. Assist in refining design and analysis. Assist in concept improvement and selection. ME 2Aerospace research. Existing thermal system research. Thermal design. Components research and selection. Refine thermal design. Analysis of thermal design. ME 3Aerospace research. Existing structural system research. Structural design. Materials research and selection. Refine structural design. Analysis of structural design. EE 1Existing electronics research.Circuit design. Component research and selection. Refine circuit design. Simulation of circuit design. EE 2Existing control system research. System model.Control system. System level design. EE 3Existing sensor and communications research. Sensor and communications design. component research and selection. Refine sensor and communications design. Simulation of sensor and communications design. ISEFinalize the work breakdown structure. Set the product specifications. Concept generation and evaluation. Concept improvement and selection. Functional decomposition.
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Risk Assessment Some possible risks are –All team positions are not filled –Lack in effort by a team member –Lack of involvement from the faculty guide –Lack of involvement from the customer –Change in customer needs –Conflict in system integration between the subsystems –Parts required are unavailable or out of the price range. –Ordered parts are not delivered on time. –The parts order is canceled by the supplier. –Ordered parts do not meet the requirement (defective parts) –Parts are damaged in the assembly or testing stages –Loss of documentation
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Team Values and Norms Some key team values are: –Punctual: Each team member will be prompt and arrive at the team meetings on time. –Thorough: Each team member will complete his or her tasks thoroughly and completely, so that the work does not have to be re-done by a peer on the team.. –Accurate: Each team member completes their work accurately and in a way that can be easily checked for accuracy by peers and the faculty guide. All work is fully documented and easy to follow. –Professional and Ethical: Each team member gives credit where credit is due. All work completed includes citations to appropriate literature, or sources of assistance. –Committed: Each team member will contribute an equal share to the success of the project.
EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Grading and Accessibility Scheme Grade levels: –A: High effort and quality –B: Good effort and quality –C: Satisfactory effort and quality –D: Below average effort and quality
EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interviews DateParticipantsMeeting Summary 5/13/08Chuck Moon Acquired additional background information on produce use, development and intellectual property rights. 4/16/08 Chuck Moon & Scott Reardon Introductions, verified customer contact information, technical background information, administrative information, mission statement. 4/09/08Chuck Moon Communicated a rough draft of the project. The document includes background information, project description, project goals and project opportunities.
EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs – Objectives Tree Satellite Thermal Control System Manufacturability Production costs Quality Maintainability Integration Operation Minimize vibration effects Minimize thermal loads Account for other effects Control system Usability Efficiency Communication Multiple slave Master Sensory Power supply & bus
EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs – Importance
EDGE™ Outstanding Items Establish Allocating Resources & Project Budget Establish Target Specifications Finish EDGE documentation Marketing Demonstration (Commercial)