How to use Student Voice Training Session Gary Ratcliff, AVC - Student Life
Integrated Assessment Solutions Learning objectives Gain basic understanding of assessment practices. Learn the resources and services of StudentVoice. Learn different ways you can use StudentVoice. Learn how to get started on your first assessment project. Feel confident that you and your staff can use StudentVoice easily.
Integrated Assessment Solutions What is assessment? Gathering information about the functioning of students, staff, and higher education institutions for the purpose improving the functioning of institutions and its people. Alexander Astin Any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence that describes institutional or departmental effectiveness. John Schuh and Lee Upcraft
Integrated Assessment Solutions Types of Assessment Projects Track usage of services Determine needs and preferences Measure satisfaction and importance Measure perceptions of a physical environment Measure learning outcomes Includes gains in knowledge and skills, changes in attitudes and behaviors Measure effectiveness of workshops, programs, and policies Develop performance metrics and conduct benchmark studies
Integrated Assessment Solutions Populations to Assess Students Staff/Administrators Faculty Employers Community members Alumni Other constituents
Integrated Assessment Solutions What is StudentVoice? Founded by former students. Provides tools to easily survey students, staff, and other clients. Access to a StudentVoice Assessment Consultant. Access to an on-line higher education community that includes tutorials and resources like sample surveys. Provides web-based technology for data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Integrated Assessment Solutions Unlimited use of StudentVoice at no charge
Integrated Assessment Solutions Student Voice consultants help you with: Helping you to define the goals and objectives of your survey Formatting your questionnaire StudentVoice the questions in a Word file, they format the survey for you. Exposing you to best practices Assisting with you sampling your survey population Sending out invitations to complete your survey via Giving you suggestions for enhancing response rates Everything connected with administering your survey Interpreting your results Helping you use StudentVoice’s tools to analyze your results Incorporating data into reports and presentations Preparing your survey Administering your survey Analyzing the results Our StudentVoice Consultant is Annemieke Rice, (716) ,
Integrated Assessment Solutions PDA data collection Student Affairs currently has ten loaner PDAs. PDAs work well for surveys with a limited set questions with a finite number of response options. Can’t use PDAs for questions with open-ended responses. To borrow, contact Catherine Nance, administrative assistant to AVC Spriggs StudentVoice Survey Tools Online surveys Send invitations to targeted population. Post link to survey on your website.
Integrated Assessment Solutions Potential venues to use PDAs for surveys Assess suggestions for improvements, needs, interests, satisfaction and other topics at: Service counters Workshop venues Event venues Tour sites Spaces in facilities High-traffic student hangouts
Integrated Assessment Solutions Getting started using PDAs Keep it simple at first. Try out a short survey with your department. It will show the staff how easy StudentVoice is easy to use. Synchronize the PDA to your computer Develop your list of questions Get on StudentVoice and request your project
Integrated Assessment Solutions Request a Project 1.Submit your project at least five days before you plan to launch your survey 2.Log into StudentVoice 3.Click the “myStudentVoice” button 4.Click “Request a Project” button
Integrated Assessment Solutions Project Page Enter project information Name, start and end date, project source Plan to use PDAs? Plan to survey? Need help of StudentVoice consultant?
Integrated Assessment Solutions Project Page 1.Submit your project. 2.Upload your Word file with the survey questions 3.Upload your Word or Excel file with your list of recipients of the survey
Integrated Assessment Solutions View and analyze data using the StudentVoice reporting site 1.Can view as tables or various graphic formats 2.Can organize results by demographic categories
Integrated Assessment Solutions Sharing findings Can export reports to Excel, Word, or PDF format
Integrated Assessment Solutions On-Line Surveys Ideal for surveying large number of respondents Can include questions with open-ended responses StudentVoice will format your survey. Submit survey questions and response options in a Word file. StudentVoice consultant can advise you on the wording of your questions and response options For ideas on wording your survey questions, visit the Community pages of StudentVoice to look at other surveys
Integrated Assessment Solutions On-Line Surveys Prepare list of recipients or post link to your survey on your website. If you are using notices to collect responses to your survey, SurveyVoice can send reminders at intervals designated by you. While you are collecting responses you can check the results of your survey at any point in time.
Integrated Assessment Solutions Helpful Resources on Student Voice Shared Projects - example assessment projects Resource Centers – department specific resources Wiki – easy access to assessment information Forums – discussion boards Blogs - posts from assessment experts
Integrated Assessment Solutions Shared projects
Integrated Assessment Solutions Added features of StudentVoice Paper forms Manually enter data into online form or import data files from scanned forms National studies Integrate data files from NSSE, CIRP,CORE, ACHA, and other studies
Integrated Assessment Solutions New Student Orientation– collaboration w/ NODA Campus Recreation – collaboration w/ NIRSA Profile of Today’s College Student – collaboration w/ NASPA Student Leadership Development Parent Expectations and Experiences Career Services Administer national benchmarking studies
Integrated Assessment Solutions Summary of StudentVoice Benefits Unlimited projects Access to assessment resources Consultation from assessment experts 10 PDAs for onsite data collection Participation in benchmarking studies User documentation Remote training and professional development workshops Invitation to annual member meeting Contact Catherine Nance, to get your Student Voice log-in