Particle Physics at UCI Probing the most fundamental structure of matter of matter and energy –From the Standard Model to String Theory –Search for the.


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Presentation transcript:

Particle Physics at UCI Probing the most fundamental structure of matter of matter and energy –From the Standard Model to String Theory –Search for the origin of mass and evidence of supersymmetry at the world’s highest-energy accelerator –Precision measurement and searches for rare processes –Understanding the matter/anti-matter asymmetry of the universe –Discovery of neutrino mass and search for proton decay –Cosmic accelerators and astro-particle physics

Theory of Everything Search for the Ultimate Theory Standard Model Grand Unified Theory Electroweak QED QCD Weak Gravity Prof. Jonathan Feng Cosmology/Supersymmetry Prof. Herbert Hamber Lattice QCD Prof. Arvind Rajaraman String Theory/Extra Dimensions Prof. Myron Bander EW Symmetry-breaking

The High-Energy Frontier The ATLAS Experiment: Prof. Andy Lankford The world’s highest energy particle accelerator Study of origins of mass (Higgs mechanism) Search for new symmetries between fundamental forces (Super-Symmetry)

Rare Processes/Precision Measurement MECO at Brookhaven Prof. Bill Molzon Search for muon  electron conversion 10,000  sensitivity of past experiments May find evidence for SUSY Precision gravity measurements with a cryogenic torsional pendulum Prof. Riley Newman Expected G N precision: 20 ppm Tests of 1/r 2 law, equivalence principle

Matter/Anti-Matter Asymmetry Prof. Mark Mandelkern Prof. Andy Lankford Prof. David Kirkby BaBar: Precision study of CP violation with B mesons at SLAC

Neutrino Physics and Proton Decay Prof. Hank Sobel Prof. Dave Casper T2K Oscillation Experiment Super-Kamiokande: 50,000 ton water Cherenkov detector MINER A at Fermilab

From Quarks to the Cosmos Prof. Steve Barwick AMANDA and ANITA Neutrino Telescopes MILAGRO Gamma Ray Telescope Prof. Gaurang Yodh Probing the highest-energy cosmic rays