Technical Coordinators Meeting Chris Bongaarts Steve Siirila March 8, 2006
Equipment Moves/Upgrades Moves from CHRC to St. Paul complete Moves from CHRC to St. Paul complete All client/server servers are now on the new SAN All client/server servers are now on the new SAN Morris server storage upgraded Morris server storage upgraded
Stronger Internet Passwords May not contain all or any 3 character part of the user's account name May not contain all or any 3 character part of the user's account name Must have characters from 3 of 4 sets: Must have characters from 3 of 4 sets: –Upper case –Lower case –Digits –Non-alphanumeric Needed to sync passwords with coordinate campuses Needed to sync passwords with coordinate campuses
SpamAssassin Upgrade Upgraded from to on 2/23 Upgraded from to on 2/23 Fixed to eliminate erroneous false positives on 2/24 Fixed to eliminate erroneous false positives on 2/24 Now identifies more spam Now identifies more spam
Listserv Problem Listserv configuration problem 3/2 Listserv configuration problem 3/2 Between 3/2 and 3/7: Between 3/2 and 3/7: –500+ delayed messages –200+ dropped messages –Out of about 24,000 total messages
Phase-out of unauthenticated SMTP Shutting off Shutting off –End users (e.g. dialup) on 3/20 –Servers/devices on 3/27 Last week Last week –278 end users –169 servers/devices All parties notified by 2/22 All parties notified by 2/22
U-wide Certificate Authority Should we run one? Should we run one? Pros Pros –Can issue lots of certs at minimal cost –Trust 1 CA cert, not lots of individual server certs Cons Cons –Root cert import required –How trustworthy are we anyway?
Bits ‘N Bytes GopherMail in final testing GopherMail in final testing
‘Till next month… Steve Siirila Steve Siirila Chris Bongaarts Chris Bongaarts