Multicultural Education Through Dance A Dance Educator’s Guide to Creating a Multicultural Learning Community By: Janelle Dickerson
Multicultural Education Defined WHAT IT IS Fully student-centered and inclusive of the voices and experiences of the students. Fully student-centered and inclusive of the voices and experiences of the students. Students are taught content using instructional methods that value cultural knowledge and differences. Students are taught content using instructional methods that value cultural knowledge and differences. WHAT IT IS NOT Not simply learning about the food, music, and/or dance of a culture. Not simply learning about the food, music, and/or dance of a culture. Does not last one month out of the year Does not last one month out of the year Does not have one student represent an entire group Does not have one student represent an entire group
Why is Multicultural Education so Important??? Multi-cultural Education is important because it gives underrepresented and/or non-represented groups visibility and a voice within our educational system. Multi- cultural Education allows every student to see a reflection of their self within the school curriculum. Without Multi-cultural Education, an educational system which is based on the bias of the dominant culture is continuously perpetuated.
Resources For Dance Educators Interested in Multicultural Education There are a number of resources available to educators (websites, books, videos, organizations, etc) that provide information on multiculturalism and dance.
Book Resources Multicultural Dance Education in Today's Curriculum by Schwartz, Peggy Multicultural Dance Education in Today's Curriculum by Schwartz, Peggy Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance v62 n2 Feb 1991 Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance v62 n2 Feb 1991 Studying Dance Cultures around the World by Dr. Pegge Vissicaro Studying Dance Cultures around the World by Dr. Pegge Vissicaro
Video Resources Grupo Corpo Brazilian Dance Theatre Video Grupo Corpo Brazilian Dance Theatre Video African Healing Dance - Wyoma African Healing Dance - Wyoma Multicultural Folk Dance: Video, Audio, Guide - Volume 1 & 2 Multicultural Folk Dance: Video, Audio, Guide - Volume 1 & 2 More videos can be found at More videos can be found at
Organizations DanceOlam DanceOlam Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute 92 nd Street Y 92 nd Street Y
Website Resources If you visit my website it will link you to a number of resources for multicultural dance
Multiculturalism should be acknowledged in the dance education curriculum. Much of modern dance draws upon dances of other cultures, and through a study of folk dance, an appreciation of the similarities and distinctions of various cultures is also gained. Dance may be used as one of many windows to the history, religions, and customs of people (Schwartz, 1991). Photo Found on