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How to choose a topic Probably no single step is as important to the whole process of writing a reach paper as the choice of a topic.
Search the Internet for ideas Ex: Google
Use the Encyclopedia
Choose topic carefully Asking yourself some general questions about the topic
Topics to Avoid
Topics that are too big Reference sources that multiply like flies; a bibliography that grows like a weed; opinions, data, and information that come pouring in from hundreds of sources-all indicate a topic that is too big.
Topics based on a single source The research paper is intended to expose you to the opinions of different authorities, to a variety of books, articles, and other references.
Topics that are too technical Writing about things that are technical often requires technical jargon that your instructor might not understand and might even dismiss as a “ snow job. ”
Topics that are trivial Your judgment must steer you away from trivial topics.
Topics that are overused Opinions on topics that have been the subject of heated public debate tend to harden into familiar postures, making them difficult to write about in a temperate tone.
Topics that are contemporary Students often are tempted to choose a contemporary topic one that is being hotly debated at the moment.
Narrowing the topic