Oregon Common Core State Standards Foundation of the Oregon Diploma.


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Presentation transcript:

Oregon Common Core State Standards Foundation of the Oregon Diploma

Background Mathematics Implementation Assessment Contacts Welcome and Overview


Common Core State Standards - Vision The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn in ELA and Math, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, and to reflect the knowledge and skills that 21st century youth will need for success in college and careers. With all students academically prepared for the future, our state and our nation will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.

Common Core State Standards: Why? 63% of jobs nationwide will require some postsecondary education by % of Oregon jobs will require postsecondary education; of those: 54% vocational training, certification, or associate degree 46% bachelor or graduate degree Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, June 2010Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, June 2010

Common Core State Standards: What? College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics ELA includes literacy standards for social science, technical subjects, and science 44 States

Common Core State Standards – What? State-led initiative – CCSSO and NGA Based on evidence and research Focused and coherent to allow for in-depth learning Cumulative progression of skills and understandings Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Incorporate standards of excellence found in high achieving countries

Mathematics CCSS Video FAQ CCSS Math Classroom

Mathematics – Key Ideas Balanced combination of procedural skill and understanding Requires students to “explain” and “justify” rather than “define” and “identify” Standards for Mathematical Practice Content focus at each grade allows in-depth study Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards by grade level High school standards by conceptual theme

Mathematics – Focus Areas Kindergarten – Grade 5 Establishes foundation of using and understanding whole numbers, fractions, and decimals Grades 6-8 Preparation for geometry, algebra, and probability and statistics High School Emphasis on applying math to solve problems arising in every day life, society, and the workplace

Common Core State Standards: When? Districts Transition Content: Full Implementation: by Spring 2014 Statewide Assessment: Spring 2015

Website Oregon Common Core State Standards Send Comments, Questions, Requests


Based on seven principles An integrated system Evidence of student performance Teacher involvement State-led with transparent governance Continuously improve teaching and learning Useful information on multiple measures Adheres to established professional standards SMARTER Balanced Assessment

15 All students leave high school college and career ready Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness

16 All students leave high school college and career ready Adaptive summative assessments benchmarked to college & career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness

17 All students leave high school college and career ready Adaptive summative assessments benchmarked to college & career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Interim assessments that are flexible and open

18 All students leave high school college and career ready Adaptive summative assessments benchmarked to college & career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Teachers can access formative tools and practices to improve instruction Interim assessments that are flexible and open

SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium can be found online at To learn more...

Survey Oregon Common Core State Standards Implementation Survey

Contact Julie Anderson, English Language Arts Specialist Mark Freed, Mathematics Specialist Mickey Garrison, CCSS Co-Lead Cheryl Kleckner, CCSS Co-Lead

Thank you!