Main trending topics Estíbaliz Ochoa Mendoza Fundación Vodafone España Madrid, Spain
3rd Generation of AT’s compared to the 1st and 2nd Gen. Ubiquity and portability of AT’s Improvements in user-interaction Main trending topics R&D INDEX
Main trending topics 1st, 2nd, 3rd Generation 3 3rd Generation 2nd Generation 1st Generation
Main trending topics 1st, 2nd, 3rd Generation Supporting developers in making accesible applications 4 Developers are capable of creating any sort of application, interaction and user interface. Creating accessible applications, and accessible user interactions. “from scratch” requires a lot of work. If the stock user interface components are accessible applications built with them are likely accessible
New paradigm in accessibility Main trending topics Ubiquity and portability of Assistive Technologies Cloud computing 5 2nd generation concept Adaptation of individual products and services for a person 3rd generation concept Automatic-personalisation of any mainstream product or service a user encounters, using cloud technologies to activate and augment any natural (built-in) accessibility the product or service has based on a profile of the user’s needs Creation of an user profile that automatically matches mainstream products and services with necessary features and configures them according to users preferences and context of use, anywhere on any device (PC, mobile, smart phone,,…), configuring the content and user interface including the accessibility of the product if needed (run without AT installation or with download and AT installation).
Main trending topics Ubiquity and portability of Assistive Technologies 6 Available as on a portable storage device “Accessibility Portable Applications in the pocket” Range of free assistive technoologies and other applications that will run from a portable storage device without requiring an installation onto a harddrive. Examples of what is available: Firefox Accessibility Extension - Make Firefox more accessible On-Screen Keyboard Portable - Easily access an on-screen keyboard Virtual Magnifying Glass Portable - A full-featured screen magnifier DSpeech is a free screenreader that runs from a USB drive
Computers can both sense, and react based on their environment. Devices may have information about the circumstances under which they are able to operate and based on rules, or an intelligent stimulus, react accordingly i.e.:mobile phone Context awareness Main trending topics Ubiquity and portability of Assistive Technologies Human factors related context information on the user, user’s social environment and the user’s tasks Context related to physical environment Location, infrastructure and physical conditions.
Software that can convert spoken words into written text has been available since the early 1980s, Still can’t match the recognition levels of human being Brain computer interface Direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. BCIs are often aimed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. Voice interaction: next user interface? Main trending topics Improvements in user-interaction
Augmented Communication Main trending topics R&D
Live direct or an indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Possibilities of Aumented Reality in a mobile phone Main trending topics R&D
Thanks for your attention! Estíbaliz Ochoa Mendoza Fundación Vodafone España Madrid, Spain Main trending topics R&D