This shows how ORTCs and System Drivers should form the “glue” to unite all other chapters.
Proposed rough outline of System Drivers chapter. If the SOC template is agreeable, then we can try to distribute the effort across regions (we also need input from other TWGs). E.g., DRAM - Korea, ASIC - Japan, AMS/RF - Europe, HVC - US.
Design chapter outline. Needs intro. Where should cost be discussed ? as part of Design Process ?
This was a worked exercise to answer Bill Joyner’s questions for a given section in the System Drivers chapter. I.e., What does X drive? What is driven by X? “Factors” break down into “objectives” (which drive particular system driver classes) and “consequences/phenomena” (which are demanded by particular system driver classes). This actually looks like an unrolled directed bipartite graph ({classes} X {factors}). Perhaps we can use such a figure in the Intro of the System Drivers chapter.