Pygmalion “A Romance in Five Acts” ♥
Consider… How would you define romance? What makes a successful romance? Consider these relationships from the play. Which one has the potential to be the most positive? –F–F–F–Freddy and Eliza –E–E–E–Eliza and Higgins –C–C–C–Clara and Higgins –D–D–D–Doolittle and his “missus” ““““I’m a slave to that woman, Governor, just because I’m not her lawful husband. And she knows it too. Catch her marrying me! Take my advice, Governor—marry Eliza while she’s young and don’t know no better. If you don’t you’ll be sorry for it after. If you do she’ll be sorry for it after: but better her than you, because you’re a man, and she’s only a woman and don’t know how to be happy anyhow.”
Remember… There are no genuine and honest romantic relationships within the text.
WHY???? Why then does Shaw subtitle his play subtitle his play “A Romance in Five Acts”?
SATIRE the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice and folly the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice and folly Techniques of satire: exaggeration, incongruity, reversal, and parody Techniques of satire: exaggeration, incongruity, reversal, and parody Name some general and specific examples Name some general and specific examples
Create your own Satire! Personal Ads Cooperative Learning Group Activity –Roles Time/Task Keeper Ad Writer Presenter –Create One Colorful Narrative Ad for your Character –Every Group Member Must Fill out Brainstorming Sheet –Follow the example I have given you