VESTEL database realistic telephone speech corpus: PRNOK5TR: 5810 utterances in the training set PERFDV: 2502 utterances in testing set 1 (vocabulary dependent) PEIV1000: 1434 utterances in testing set 2 (vocabulary independent) Vocabulary composed of words Experimental alternatives: Different output distribution coding Different preselection list length estimation methods Different postprocessing and optimisation methods of this estimation Previous work on this topic EUROSPEECH’99: Flexible Large Vocabulary (up to words) Speaker independent Isolated word Telephone speech Two stage - bottom up strategy Using neural networks as a novel approach to estimate preselection list length Postprocessing methods of the neural network output for final estimation In this paper: Parameter inventory increased New validation scheme Extensive testing with improved results SUMMARY NNs as a suitable strategy for variable preselection list length estimation Improvements (both in IER and Average effort) Typical: 7-8% for PERFDV, 18-28% for PRNOK and PEIV1000 Maximum: 10% for PERFDV, 32% for PRNOK and PEIV1000 Future work: Bigger databases :-) Further exploiting the parameter inventory Extensibility to other architectures What happens if single neuron output is used? Application to word confidence estimation tasks EXPERIMENTAL SETUPCONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK IMPROVED VARIABLE PRESELECTION LIST LENGTH ESTIMATION USING NNs IN A LARGE VOCABULARY TELEPHONE SPEECH RECOGNITION SYSTEM J. Macías-Guarasa, J. Ferreiros, J. Colás, A. Gallardo-Antolín and J.M. Pardo Grupo de Tecnología del Habla. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Preprocessing & VQ processes Lexical Access Hypothesis Generator Phonetic String Build-Up HMMs VQ books Durations Alignment costs Phonetic string Speech Dictionary Indexes Verification Module Detailed Matching Preselection list List Length Estimator List Length Text MOTIVATION Verification module is computationally expensive Idea: reduce preselection list length Difficult, specially if low acoustic detail Estimate a different PLL for every word Methods: parametric, non-parametric,... To think about: Computational demands do not depend linearly on PL Final savings must take into account both modules Only average estimations are possible List Length Estimator Input parameters listLength(0) listLength(1) listLength(2) listLength(4) listLength(3) listLength(5) For example (vocabulary of 600 words) Target: 2% inclusion error rate (IER) + 90% pruning SCHMM: 23+2 automatically clustered context independent phoneme-like units Fixed length preselection lists BASELINE SYSTEM NN BASED PLL Traditional MLP with one hidden layer Final topology: 8 inputs - 5 hidden - 10 outputs Trained with BP: Enough data is available Input parameters: Direct parameters Derived parameters: Direct normalized Lexical Access Statistical Parameters: Calculated over the lexical access costs distribution Input coding: maxmin, normalization, w/o clipping, single and multiple neurons, linear/nonlinear mapping, etc. Output coding Each output different list length segment Problem: Inhomogeneous number of activations per output Solution: Train segment length distribution (Table 1 and Figure 2). POST-PROCESSING OF THE NN ESTIMATION The network output is postprocessed to increase robustness Two alternatives: The winner output neuron decides (WINNER). Linear combination of normalised activations (SUMMA): Neuron length (i): Upper limit of neuron i (Table 1) normAct(i): Normalised activation of this neuron Additionally, fixed (-FX) or proportional (-PP) threshold can be added (trained to achieve a certain IER) NN DESIGN PARAMETER SELECTION Selected according to results in discrimination task (1 st position vs. the rest) Best absolute results: multiple input neuron, nonlinear mapping No significative differences with single input neuron 8 final parameters selected MLP: 8 inputs - 5 hidden - 10 outputs Standard input coding normalization Nonlinear output coding Additional control parameters: Segment length assigned to last output neuron (0, 2500, 5000, 10000) G (during training) B (during test) Objective inclusion rate in threshold estimation process (98%, 98.5%, 99% and 99.5%) T FINAL NN BASED SYSTEM How to compare the systems? NN system gets a single point in the (averageEffort x inclusionRate) space Fixed length system generates a full inclusion rate graphic Alternatives Use the single point If improvement in both axis: OK If not: ??? Sensitivity? Spuriousness? Extend the analysis: Use the estimated thresholds to build an artificial inclusion rate histogram, around the area of interest (96.5% - 99%) Compare each point in this range with fixed list length inclusion rate curve Combine comparisons in both axes: Inclusion rate improvement to get the same average effort Average effort reduction to get the same inclusion rate EVALUATION STRATEGY BEST EXPERIMENT WINNER METHOD: Lack of precision in discrimination SUMMA METHOD: Good results! SUMMA plus FX improve fixed length system in almost all cases High values for last neuron length are needed (>5000) Relative improvements (for 10 best experiments selected looking at training set results): RESULTS (I) ICSLP’2000 Beijing (China) Quantitative improvements: Typical: 7-8% for PERFDV, 18-28% for PRNOK and PEIV1000 Maximum: 10% for PERFDV, 32% for PRNOK and PEIV1000 Statistical confidence: We do not have enough data to absolutely prove our results are statistically relevant All bands overlap: We have a small database Our inclusion rates are very high But: We prove improvements in a wide range of values RESULTS (II)