CAPACITIES Programme in FP7 and OTHER SCHEMES and OTHER SCHEMES with leverage effect on research funding in Europe
FP7 budget (€ 50,521 million, current prices) CAPACITIES LEVERAGING
CAPACITIES Programme To enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe reinforcement of actions of previous FPs, notably those of the « STRUCTURING » programme under FP6 addition of novelties, in particular Development of new R&D infrastructures Research-driven clustering of regions Unlocking the research potential of «convergence» and outermost regions
CAPACITIES 1.Research infrastructures 2.Research for the benefit of SMEs 3.Regions of Knowledge 4.Research Potential 5.Science in Society 6.Activities of International Cooperation 7.Coherent development of policies NE W
Existing Infrastructures Design studies New Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) Research Infrastructures Integrating activities e-infrastructures ESFRI Roadmap Policy Development and Programme Implementation
Research for the benefit of SMEs Research for SMEs: Low to medium technology SMEs with little or no research capability Research intensive SMEs that need to outsource research to complement their core research capability Research for SME associations: SME associations representing their members and their common technical problems Target groups outsourcing research activities
Research for SMEs Call 1 Closure date: 4 September 2007 Indicative budget: € 100 Million Research for SMEs Associations Call 1 Closure date: 1 June 2007 (first stage) Indicative closure date second stage: November 2007 Indicative budget: € 10 Million Coordination and Support Activities Call 1 Closure date: 10 May 2007 Indicative budget: € 2 Million Call planning Research for the benefit of SMEs
Regions of Knowledge Two objectives for all European regions Strengthen their capacity for investing in RTD and carrying out research activities Produce research strategies that contribute to regional economic development Through the development of regional research-driven clusters Research entityRegional authority Local enterprise Others (bank …)
Regions of Knowledge Thematic priorities for first two calls in Bringing the benefits of research to SMEs Action aimed at increasing integration of SMEs in regional research driven clusters and awareness about the potential benefits of research for SMEs 2. Research and rural economies Action aimed at integration of economic actors into regional research driven clusters as a key challenge to allow the development of dynamic rural and maritime knowledge economies
REGIONS Call 1 Activities Analysis of research agendas, mutual learning, mentoring of regions with a less developed research profile, further integration Participants Consortia of regional research-driven clusters or single transnational regional research-driven cluster ( 6 partners 2 countries min ) REGIONS Call 2 Activities Creation of new research driven clusters using workshops, roundtables, expert group meetings, dissemination activities, including web-based initiatives Participants At least 3 participants (1 research entity, 1 public authority, 1 enterprise) or 1 research-driven cluster (for mutual information) REGIONS Call 3 Activities Reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP)
OBJECTIVES to stimulate the realisation of the full research potential of the enlarged Union by unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU’s convergence regions and outermost regions to strengthen the capacities of their researchers to successfully participate in research activities at EU level Research Potential CONVERGENCE REGIONS Regions eligible for financing by the Structural Funds ( ) under objective « convergence » - whose per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is less than 75 % of the average GDP of the EU-25. OUTERMOST REGIONS
POTENTIAL Call 1 Activities Unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions Participants Public or private research entity defined as an existing working unit (single proposer) POTENTIAL Call 2 Activities Providing evaluation facilities for research organisations in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions Participants Public or private research centre POTENTIAL Call 3 Activities International cooperation focused on Western Balkan Countries Participants one from a convergence or outermost region in the EU, one from a Member State and at least one from a WBC POTENTIAL Call 4 Activities Transnational cooperation among NCPs
Gender and research More dynamic governance of the science and society relationship More dynamic governance of the science and society relationship Strengthening potentials, broadening horizons Strengthening potentials, broadening horizons Science and society communicate Science and society communicate Our science system in Europe and its professional codes Society’s engagement on science issues The view of the humanities on the co-evolution of S&S Role of the universities in the social fabric Young people between science education and research careers Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media Science in Society
Horizontal support actions and measures not carried out in the Cooperation or People programmes Activities of international cooperation Support competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields Address specific problems that third countries face or that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit
Co-ordination & Integration of public research in the ERA Nature shows us the way: Birds coordinating their efforts 71 % gain of efficiency
Policy level open method of coordination mapping, benchmarking, etc. legislation Programme level ERA-NET ERA-NET Plus Article 169 initiatives Project level FP7 funding schemes Coherent development of research policies in Europe
Coherent Development of Research Policies Monitoring and analysis of research related public policies/industrial strategies: Information and intelligence service (ERAWATCH) Industrial research investment monitoring Indicators on research activity and its impact on the economy Coordination of research policies: Implementing the Open Method of Coordination Bottom-up initiatives undertaken by several countries and regions (OMC-NET)
Policy level open method of coordination mapping, benchmarking, etc. legislation Programme level ERA-NET ERA-NET Plus Article 169 initiatives Project level FP7 funding schemes Co-ordination & Integration of research programmes in the ERA
ERA-NET in FP7 Only programme owners and/or managers Normally a 4-step approach Systematic exchange of information & best practice Definition and preparation of joint activities Implementation of joint activities Funding of joint, trans-national research actions (as much as possible) No EC research funding, only coordination New topics and extension of existing ERA-NETs Existing ERA-NETs to focus on steps 3 and 4. Cooperation and Capacities programmes
Close links with FP7 research priorities Implemented under Cooperation and Capacities In addition, support for actions of a horizontal nature or not directly linked to Cooperation or Capacities Cooperation ERA-NET Ideas Capacities People ERA-NET in FP7 Joint Call
ERA-NET PLUS in FP7 additional EU financial support to ‘top-up’ joint calls support to pooled financial resources between national programmes for joint calls for proposals Topping up maximum 1/3 of the total joint call budget Only transnational research projects to be funded In 2007, bridging actions only (BONUS, EMRP) NE W
Participation of the Community in research programmes jointly implemented by Member States Article 169 in FP7 European co-operation on a large-scale in ‘variable geometry’ between Member States Co-operation between Member States programmes sharing common needs and/or interests Identification of Art. 169 initiatives on the basis of clear criteria Article 169 ‘In implementing the multiannual Framework Programme, the Community may make provision, in agreement with the Member States concerned, for participation in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States, including participation in the structures created for the execution of those programmes’
European Technology Platforms Bottom-Up Approach with Industry in Lead Wide Stakeholder Involvement Flexibility: No ‘One Size Fits All’ EU Role: Facilitating and Guiding but not Leading or Owning Majority of Strategic Research Agendas, where Appropriate, Taken into Account in Thematic Priorities of FP7 ‘Joint Technology Initiatives’ Minority of Strategic Research Agendas identified through Dialogue with Industry as Potential … ‘Joint Technology Initiatives’
Joint Technology Initiatives Firmly anchored in themes of the Cooperation Programme In fields of major European public interest Six fields envisaged at this stage Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Aeronautics and Air Traffic Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Innovative Medicines Embedded Computing Systems Nanoelectronics Other fields possible subsequently