MODULE CHOICE FOR A quick and simple guide on how to pick your modules. Department Of Physics & Astronomy
An Introduction to Module Choice. Module choice is your chance to choose modules and move one step closer to registering for the following academic year. The first step is an sent by the registration team asking you to complete the online module choice process. Please ensure your box is not full! The will give you detailed information on how to complete the process through MUSE.
Do I need to complete Module Choice? If all your modules are pre-prescribed for the following year then you do not need to complete the module choice exercise. If you are unsure please contact Tracy Hilton on or
When should this be completed? Module choice should ideally be completed by 23 rd May This gives us chance to approve your modules and contact you if there are any problems with your choices.
What happens if I don’t do this? Failure to confirm your modules online will mean you will be unable to register online for the next academic year. Your student loan payment may be delayed and a late registration charge may also be applied.
How to pick your modules. Check that you are choosing modules from the correct prescribed list for your degree course. See following slide for an example. Try to have a 60:60 split across semesters. It is possible to have a 70:50 and 50:70 split but this is not ideal. Anything over this will be rejected. Check that you have the full 120 credits. Check you have the pre-requisites required for the modules you choose. Make sure you don’t pick modules that are not available to you, they will be rejected and the process will take longer. Don’t forget you can add/drop should you need to at the start of next year.
Example regulations.
Here are the important links….. You will find the regulations for your degree course on or click on the link ‘regulations’ on the departmental web page. You can check the full details of some of your modules on the departmental website under module descriptions
FAQ’s What if I miss the deadline? Please contact What do I do if I cannot login to MUSE to access the online module approval screens? Firstly check the CiCS Service Status or contact the CiCS helpdesk on I am due to return from Leave of Absence, do I still need to make my module choices on-line? Yes, please enter your modules on-line for approval. You will be sent further information by post about registering during the summer. You may also contact your academic department for advice. Are places on modules allocated on-line on a first come first served basis? This is not usually a problem however, PHY225 often fills up quickly. What do I do if the core modules have not been pre-loaded correctly Please contact What do I do if the module I have chosen is in the "wrong“ Semester e.g. Is appearing as an Autumn semester module, when you were expecting to be delivered in the Spring? Contact the academic department responsible for that module
FAQ’s. How will I know when my on-line choices have been seen and approved by my department? Check your University account regularly. If there is a problem, you will receive an advising you what action to take. You will have the opportunity to check and confirm your choices when you complete registration during the summer. I am going abroad on a placement. Do I still need to make my Module choices on-line If you are away for the whole academic year, you do NOT need to make your module choices now. If you are away for one semester, you will need to make your module choice for the semester that you will be studying in Sheffield. I am currently away from the University on placement/in practice/studying abroad. How do I choose modules for next year? Following any academic advice received from your department, log in to the on-line system via MUSE and choose modules in the normal way. What happens if I do not complete module choice on-line? You will not be able to register for next year and your student loan Payment may be delayed. A late registration charge may be applied.
Need help with your choices? 2 nd year Physics Dr Vitaly Kudryavtsev Telephone: nd year Astronomy Prof Vik Dhillon Telephone: rd year Physics Dr Chris Booth Telephone: rd and 4 th year Astronomy Prof Paul Crowther Telephone: th year Physics Dr Ed Daw Telephone: Module Approval Mrs Tracy Hilton in G5 Hicks Building Telephone:
General help General registration enquiries: Telephone: Technical support: Telephone:
Thank you and good luck! Please have a chat with your year tutor regarding your choices. We’re here to help.