DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton1 High Energy Physics At the University of Rochester
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton2 A Rich Tradition Long history of HEP at UR, starting with Lee DuBridge who built one of the first cyclotrons in 1935 at UR DuBridge hired outstanding faculty, including S. Barnes, F. Seitz, V. Weisskopf, R. Marshak and J. Platt In 1948, a larger cyclotron was built In 1950 Marshak as department chair initiated the annual Rochester Conferences in High Energy Physics, which brought leading HEP physicists from around the world to campus
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton3 Evolution of the Program In 1950 the ONR contract was replaced by one from the Atomic Energy Commission, which subsequently led to funding from the Department of Energy. NSF funding of HEP at UR started in Carrying on the tradition of Marshak, Weisskopf et al, we are still trying to identify and address the most important questions in our field: –How is electroweak symmetry broken? –Is the SM a low-energy approximation to a more exact theory? –Is the large top mass a clue as to what is behind the SM? –Is what we are seeing ONLY SM top?
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton4 Current UR Faculty 10 Experimentalists (7 DOE HEP): –Arie Bodek –Regina Demina –Tom Ferbel –Adrian Melissinos –Kevin McFarland –Paul Slattery –Paul Tipton –Steve Manly (DOE Nuclear-Phobos) –Ed Thorndike (NSF-CLEO) –Frank Wolfs (NSF Nuclear-Phobos) 5 Theorists (4 DOE HEP): –Ashok Das –Susumu Okubo –Lynne Orr –Sarada Rajeev –Carl Hagen (Collaborating Faculty)
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton5 The Present Program DOE-funded HEP Efforts: Tevatron Run 2 with CDF Endplug, Silicon, L3/Data Hub, Operations and Physics Tevatron Run 2 with DØ Fiber Tracker, Operations and Physics, Silicon Upgrade CMS at the LHC H-CAL, TOB, Installation Existing and Future Neutrino efforts at FNAL/NUMI and/or J-PARC Accelerator R&D at FNAL AØ (for LC) and for Run 2b electron cooling in the Recycler Novel use of LIGO for coherent field search Collider Phenomenology and Formal Theory Programs that complement above activities
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton6 Producing Scientists as well as Science Since 1980, produced about 6% of HEP Ph.D.s with about 3% of DOE University Budget: 104 Ph.Ds, 34 now in faculty positions, 25 at national labs or similar research institutions 96 Post-docs, 37 now faculty, 28 at national labs or similar research institutions Plus Nobels to Steven Chu (UR undergrad, ‘70, worked with Ferbel) and Masa Koshiba (UR Ph.D., ‘55) YKKimSarah EnoRon Poling Joe RogersSheldon Stone Gordon Watts Kirsten Tollefson Jack Ritchie Karol LangJoey Huston
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton7 HEP Research Recognition Many HEP faculty have received individual recognition for their research –Panofsky Prize of American Physical Society — Thorndike –Nishina Foundation Award (Japan) — Okubo –Guggenheim Fellowships — Okubo; Ferbel; Olsen; Thorndike; Slattery –Humboldt Fellowships — Lobkowicz; Ferbel –Fulbright Fellowship — Das –Sloan Fellowships — Ferbel; Bodek; McFarland –NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award — Tipton –NSF Career Awards — Orr; McFarland –DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator Awards — Das; Tipton; Orr; McFarland; Demina –Cottrell Scholar Award — McFarland
DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton8 Conclusions Despite diminished resources we have an excellent, well-rounded program –Energy frontier at Run 2 and LHC –Neutrino Program –Accelerator R&D for LC and Run 2 –Well-rounded theory/phenomenology program We have a proven track record of producing great science and excellent scientists We continue to attract the highest quality faculty, post-docs and students We are making every effort to maintain and improve our program