Welcome to Mexico By Marisa, Ema, and Christopher
Geography of Mexico Mexico is south of North America. It is north of South America. It is east of Hawaii. It is west of Cuba. In Mexico there are mountains. Some parts of Mexico are grasslands. Mexico is surrounded by oceans on both sides.. See the Totonac Fliers –The team captain sits on the top of the pole and the fliers go around him 13 times hanging upside down.
Ladies Weaving Blankets In Mexico you can also see ladies weaving blankets. You can see marachi bands on the side of the street.
Children of Mexico Omar is a child in Mexico who is 8 His favorite thing to do is to go snorkeling He walks to school He is good at math. Here is a picture of children in holiday clothes.
Eating EATING In Mexico they have corn and tortillas and watermelon. They also eat rice and mashed beans.
Comparing Omar and Christopher Omar likes tacos. He likes to snorkel Omar has a small school He lives in Mexico He likes lunchtime and playtime at school best of all. I like pizza. I like riding bikes I have a big school I live in Forest Grove, Oregon At school, I like recess best of all
Comparing Omar and Ema Omar likes tortillas. Omar plays in the water. He likes fish I don’t know the name of his school Omar favorite thing at school is recess. I like bread I play in the sand I like my friend I go to Harvey Clarke My favorite thing at school is recess.
Comparing Omar and Marisa Omar has black hair Omar is from Mexico Omar likes Math Omar has 1 brother His name is Omar Omar likes tortillas Omar plays soccer Omar speaks spanish Omar walks to school I have blond hair I am from Forest Grove I like writing I have no brothers. My name is Marisa I like sandwiches I play games I speak English I ride a bus to school.
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