Computer Vision for Interactive Computer Graphics Mrudang Rawal.


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Presentation transcript:

Computer Vision for Interactive Computer Graphics Mrudang Rawal

Introduction Human-computer interaction Computers interpret user movements, gestures and glances via fundamental visual algorithms. Visual algorithms: tracking, shape recognition and motion analysis Interactive apps : response time is fast, algorithms work for different subject and environment, and economical.

Tracking Objects Interactive applications track objects – large and small Different methods and techniques used.

Large Object Tracking Large objects like hand or body tracked. Object is in front of camera. Image properties (Image moments), and artificial retina chip do the trick.

Step 1: Shape recognition Training and Testing of object. Technique = Orientation HistogramOrientation Histogram Set of each shape oriented in possible direction. Match current shape orientation with the ones in the set.

Step 2: Shape recognition Optical flow: sense movements & gestures Frequency of alternation of horizontal and vertical velocity (frame avgs) used to determine gestures. Fast Flow Optical algorithm: –Temporal difference, current – previous frame –If pixel temporal diff != 0 if -ve motion towards adj pixel with greater luminance in current frame if +ve towards lower luminance in current frame –Apply the 1-d direction estimation rules to four orientations at each pixel –Average out motion estimates at each pixel, then average flow estimate compared to its neighboring 8 pixels

Small Object Tracking Large objects tracking techniques not adequate. Track small objects through template based technique – normalized correlation

Normalized Correlation Examine the fit of an object template to every position in the analyzed image. The Location of maximum correlation gives the position of the candidate hand. The value of that correlation indicates how likely the image region is to be a hand.

Example : Television Remote To turn on the television, the user holds up his hand. A graphical hand icon with sliders and buttons appears on the graphics display. Move hand to control the hand icon

Conclusion Simple vision algorithms with restrictive interactivity allows human-computer interaction possible. Advances in algorithms and availability of low-cost hardware will make interactive human-computer interactions possible in everyday life.

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