WHAT IS COLD AIR DAMMIMG? Low level cold air mass that is trapped against mountains topographically East side of mountains in N. Hemisphere Influences the dynamic of overlying air mass Affects moisture, temperature, & stability
Characteristics of CAD Sloping inversion Overrunning warm, moist air May include a barrier jet Precipitation aloft affected by cold air mass –Snow –Freezing Rain –Rain –Sleet
-Easterly Flow (Mid-level) -Westerly Flow (Upper-level) -Sloping Inversion Possible Barrier jet Barrier Jets -forms near slopes -significant low level winds parallel to mountains -form if there is blocking with development of low pressure system to south How weather is affected -displaced precip maxima -enhance LL cloudiness -reduce surface temps. -more precip
What causes CAD to form CAUSES -inversion above cold air -LL anti-cyclone -force upslope flow -terrain blocking -abiabatic cooling WHAT CAN FORM -barrier jet -upper level forcing -affects sensible weather
Effects of terrain blocking Flow tends to be ageostrophic as winds turn to low pressure Upslope flow decelerates air –Cools adiabatically; cooler and denser Accounts for 30% of cooling
How to forecast CAD 850 mb heights -broad ridging over eastern US -southerly flow overrunning the cold air 500 mb heights -southern plains trough/Great lakes ridge -slow evolution of trough/ridge features
Climatology of CAD Most common and strongest in winter -last longer (day and half) Weakest in Summer -shorter (day or less)
Types of CAD Classical: large strong surface high In-situ: diabatic process dominant –Little or no CAA initially –High pressure unfavorably located (east of US) Hybrid: combination of both types -Surface high weak and centered off shore -Diabatic cooling and advection important
Case study January 1999
Satellite with Surface Obs.
1000 mb Winds
Predicted and Observed Soundings PredictedObserved
Model Difficulties Model resolution insufficient (horz/vert) Terrain approximations inaccurate Lapse rates not captured well Does not portray terrain affects accurately Numerical models often under forecast amount of CAA
What ends CAD Warming at surface (southerly winds) Cold air depth decreases, pressure falls in cold air Decrease in strength of overrunning flow or subsidence aloft within overrunning flow