Workshop Report
Introduction e-Educational Leadership in ICT workshop, Cebu. A component of ACEC’s ‘Bridging The Digital Divide’ initiative. Centre for IT in Education (CITE), The University of Hong Kong’s specific role: To support the development of e-Education Leadership in ICT for educational administrators, school principals and teachers in the APEC community
Workshop Focus Exploring ICT-supported Classroom Practices in Education: Identifying Models and Success Factors for ICT in Education Identifying and promoting eLeadership and Innovation through technology Establishing international collaboration in eLeadership in APEC region
Workshop Participants 37 participants from 10 APEC economies, including Government officials, inspectors School principals Key teachers Technology planners and developers Teacher educators and researchers
Workshop Activities Mix of delegate, plenary and small group presentations
Workshop Activities Interacting online using 10 broadband connected PCs
Workshop Activities Access to online workshop resource room
Workshop Activities Access to online workshop resource room: –participant/group input their work into relevant online folders and present their implementation plan(s) to all delegates –participants and their colleagues able to continue cross-national discussions and communications following the workshop
Database of Case studies on Innovative Practices in ICT
How do we compare innovations? New Old NewOld Practices Technology 6 dimensions to understand innovativeness (from old to new): 6 dimensions of comparison Goals Teacher’s Role Students’ Role ICT used Manifestation of Learning Outcome Connectedness Focus of Analysis
Database Case studies on Innovative Practices in ICT
Primary Art More Innovative The SITES M2 case database
Workshop Activities Everyone participated and contributed Learning from each other, learning by doing, learning through problem solving Learning through collaboration Learning through technology application Productive outcomes from the workshop – for individuals, groups and APEC region as a whole
Proposed future collaborative activities Delegates developed a number of proposals for future collaborative ventures in the APEC community. Funds are sort to support these projects, including: 1.APEC community supported professional development for principals and teachers 2.Establish a program to support schools and communities in evaluating ICT integration into learning and teaching 3.Collaborative research on the integration of ICT in teacher education and on ICT competencies
Proposed future collaborative activities 4.Investigating the impact of ICT on human and curriculum reform and to improve on eLeadership within own contexts 5.To evaluate e-learning platforms with guidelines and recommendations for the design and development of pedagogically sound and culturally appropriate e- learning platforms for the APEC region 6.To build on and develop further case studies on innovation and change through the use of ICT in the APEC region
Workshop Feedback Online case studies and workshop activities stimulated participants: –to review their own ICT development planning in their economies –to reflect on key issues regarding eLeadership –to realise the importance of cross level planning (national/regional, school and individual) –to request further collaborative activities on eLeadership in the APEC region