Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review Focus Area 26 Substance Use (AOD) Overarching Goals 1. Increase quality and years of healthy life 2. Eliminate health disparities
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review2 Contents Percent of Target Achieved Bar Chart for Objectives Pair of Slides for the Objectives Healthy Campus 2010 Line chart for ethnicities Data Set Percent of Target Achieved Calculation
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review Percent of Targeted Change Achieved Objectives from Focus Areas 26
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review4 Objective 26-6a Driving After Drinking
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review5 Objective 26-6a Driving After Drinking Baseline: 30.9% in 2000 2007: 24.0% 2010 Target: 15.3%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review6 Objective 26-7a Injured Self from Drinking Alcohol
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review7 Objective 26-7a Injured Self from Drinking Alcohol Baseline: 13.1% in 2000 2007: 15.2% 2010 Target: 2.5%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review8 Objective 26-7b Involved in Fight from Drinking
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review9 Objective 26-7b Involved in Fight from Drinking Baseline: 5.1% in 2000 2007: 5.7% 2010 Target: 1.5%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review10 Objective 26-10a Illicit Drug Use by Under 21 yr olds
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review11 Objective 26-10a Illicit Drug Use by Under 21 yr olds Baseline: 14.8% in 2000 2007: 16.3% 2010 Target: 1%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review12 Objective 26-10b Marijuana Use
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review13 Objective 26-10b Marijuana Use Baseline: 14.8% in 2000 2007: 16.3% 2010 Target: 1%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review14 Objective 26-10c Illicit Drug Use (alcohol not included)
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review15 Objective 26-10c Illicit Drug Use (alcohol not included) Baseline: 14.8% in 2000 2007: 16.3% 2010 Target: 1%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review16 Objective 26-11b (Females, 5+ drinks) High Risk Drinking Last 2 Weeks NCHA, % 33.2%.
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review17 Objective 26-11b (Females, 5+ drinks) High Risk Drinking Last 2 Weeks Baseline: 33.2% in 2000 2007: 32.3% 2010 Target: 10.5% (10% better than Black).
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review18 Objective 26-11b (Males, 5+ drinks) High Risk Drinking Last 2 Weeks NCHA, 2000 ???% 35.8%
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review19 Objective 26-11b (Males, 5+ drinks) High Risk Drinking Last 2 Weeks Baseline: 50.4% in 2000 2007: 50.0% 2010 Target: 31% (10% better than Black rate)
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review20 Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2008). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975–2007: Volume II, College students and adults ages 19–45 (NIH Publication No B). Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed on Feb, 18, 2007 at vol2_2007.pdf
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review21
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review22 ACHA-NCHA Data Sets FrequencyPercent Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Total
ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review23 Percent of Targeted Change Achieved Calculation (most recent value – baseline )/(2010 target - baseline) Met or exceeded target 100% or greater (positive percent) Movement toward target >0% to 99% of targeted change Moved away from target Negative percent (i.e., -60%)
Contact Information Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, CHES, ACSM-HFS (909) ACHA NCHA Trends and Healthy Campus 2010 Midcourse Review24