The Jesus Way Session 10 – Live His Life
Introduction Apostles’ teaching: belief & lifestyle First believers – changed minds & hearts Following Jesus means change in lifestyle Faith in Jesus is vital; so too is obedience
‘Walking the talk’ NT commands can feel overwhelming! “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).
Living the life Cannot do this in our own strength Jesus places his new life in us by his Spirit Jesus’ power at work in the first believers Jesus’ followers are resurrection people – living out the risen life of Jesus 3 images of this new life in us
1. Raised to life in Christ Believers now truly alive in Christ: –Were dead in sin –Now forgiven; so alive - resurrected! Christian living: –not a struggle to become what we are not –but living out what we already are ‘Abide’ in Christ (the vine)
2. Born again in Christ Christians are ‘born from above’ We have a new ‘nature’ or ‘self’ ‘Anyone joined to Christ is a new creation’ Christian living: –not trying to be good through our own efforts –but living our lives from our new, good nature Let the new life of Jesus within shine out!
3. Full of the power of the Spirit We are to bear much fruit The Spirit will produce fruit if we let him Let him control, lead and direct us Apostles are concerned for: –personal holiness –building Christian communities –showing forth God’s kingdom in the world Whole world under rule of King Jesus
Conclusion Spirit of Jesus is to bring about lifestyle of Jesus Principles to observe and power to obey In him we are new persons, raised to new life!
Building-block 10 in following Jesus his way: Live His Life – You Are a New Person!