05 - Travel Matakuliah: G0622/Bahasa Inggris 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1.01
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mendemonstrasikan pendapat mereka tentang ‘likes & dislikes about traveling’
Outline Materi
Quote of the Week
Definition of Travel
1. Introduction
Book Answer comprehension questions to check understanding of topic vocabulary and concepts. –How often do you travel by air, rail, underground, road, and sea ? –What do you enjoy about traveling ? What don't you enjoy ? –Which is the best / worst airline you have flown ? Why ?
2. Reading 1
Book: Read "Emirates Promotional Letter" and extract information about a free flight offer.
3. Grammar
Book: Recognise and use will.
4. Business Skills
Making arrangements on the telephone Making arrangements Changing arrangements Responding
Book: Use key words and phrases for making appointments, meetings, travel, and social events.
In class / Assignment: Plan and record a voice mail message, using key words and phrases for making and changing arrangements. –See Assignment 05-01: Web Research and Speaking Assignment: Effective Problem Solving Role play two telephone conversations, using key words and phrases for making and changing arrangements. –See Assignment 05-02: Role Play
5. Reading 2
Book: Read the article "Passengers behaving badly" and extract information about air travel.
6. Listening
Book: Listen to a customer service trainer speak about solving problems for business travelers and extract meaning. David Creith - Customer Service Teaching Manager
In class / Assignment: Research hotels for a business meeting using the Internet and prepare a voice mail message for one of the suggested hotels. –See Assignment 05-03: Speaking Assignment: Reschedule a Meeting Voic
7. Vocabulary
Book: Use vocabulary to describe ways of traveling.
In class / Assignment: Discuss the future of business travel.
8. Case Study
The team-building seminar In class / Assignment: –Research, analyse and discuss a case study: The Team- Building Seminar. –Plan and write a confirmation . See Assignment 05-04: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Confirmation
9. Unit Review
Book: Review listening, vocabulary, and reading from Unit 3. –See Assignment 05-05: Discussion Board
Assignments 05-01: Web Research and Speaking Assignment: Effective Problem Solving 05-02: Role Play 05-03: Speaking Assignment: Reschedule a Meeting Voic 05-04: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Confirmation : Discussion Board Due next week