SCIENCE EDUCATION BARRIERS IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN INDONESIA Frida U. Ermawati 1,2 1.Physics Dept. Surabaya State University. Phone +62-31-8289070 Fax: +62-31-8296427.


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Presentation transcript:

SCIENCE EDUCATION BARRIERS IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN INDONESIA Frida U. Ermawati 1,2 1.Physics Dept. Surabaya State University. Phone Fax: Center For School of Science and Mathematics, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Phone & Fax: Surabaya, INDONESIA WHAT IS THE FACTS?  Students don’t feel science subject is meaningful (useful)  Too much materials to cover  No integration b/w materials given in the lowest grade to the highest grade  No match between curriculum and national test  More emphasis on student outcome, rather than on the methods  Teacher centered, not student centered  Students are interested in grades, not developing their skills  Class size too big, per class  The ADB Bank research results (2001): - Learners are categorized into four:  Fast learners/Conceptual learners  Contextual learners  Slow learners  Disable - In Indonesia, 60% of the learners are contextual learners, is that a group of students that need extra clarification in order to understand a concept(s) taught by teacher. WHAT IS THE ACTIONS TAKEN?  Contextual learning approach is adapted and introduced in science class in junior secondary schools in Indonesia. WHAT IS CONTEXTUAL LEARNING (CL)?  In close relationship with actual experience, experiential learning, real-world education, and active learning.  Curriculum methodology ties to the child’s experience and interest.  Requires performance assessment  A partner with traditional testing: Performance Assessment Features: Flexible, Adaptable Cooperative Learning Skills Application Creative Design Creative Products Self- Assessment Authentic Application Applies to All Learning Styles *Personal Growth Work Habits Traditional Assessment Features: ContentProblem Solving Process Knowledge CL also requires:  Linkage to workplace, community organization and other context  Staff development for teachers and employers  School organization  Communication among all relevant players  Need time to plan, collaborate, to learn and to reflect on what is accomplished Seven Principles of Contextual (Teaching and) Learning: 1. Inquiry: A process that moves from observations to understanding a concept or phenomenon 2. Questioning: used by teachers to prompt, guide & assess student’s thinking used by students throughout an inquiry-based activity 3. Constructivism: Construct their own create of meaning from new experiences based on prior knowledge, hence deep understanding 4. Learning Community: speak & share ideas, collaborate with others to create learning 5. Authentic Assessment:  A variety of strategies used to evaluate learner’s knowledge and skills  Requires application of knowledge or skills  Product or performance assessment  Relevant, conceptualized tasks  Process and products can both be measured. 6. Reflection:  Ways of thinking about what we have learned  Reviewing and responding to events, activities and experiences  Recording what we have learned, how we feel, new ideas  Can take many forms: journals, discussion, and artwork. 7. Modeling:  A process of providing an example of how you want others to be, to think, to act, and to learn  Thinking aloud about your own learning process  Demonstrating how you want students to learn  Doing what you want students to do. HOW TO IMPLEMENT CONTEXTUAL LEARNING IN A SCIENCE CLASS? Guided by learning materials (student book, student worksheets, evaluation and lesson plan) developed based on contextual approach, students:  View themselves as learners in the process of learning  Accept an ‘Invitation to learn’ and willingly engaged in an exploration process  Raise questions, proposed explanation and use observations  Plan and carry out learning activities  Communicate using a variety of methods (journals, drawing, report, graphic, etc)  Critique to their learning practices WHAT IS THE TEACHER’S ROLE IN AN INQUIRY/ CONTEXTUAL CLASSROOM?  Facilitators of learning, i.e.  Reflects on the purpose and makes plans for inquiry process  Understand the necessary skills, knowledge, and habits of mind needed for inquiry learning  Understands & plans ways to encourage and enable the learners to take increasing responsibility for their learning  Insures that classroom learning is focused on relevant and applicable outcomes  Prepares physically and mentally for unexpected questions or suggestions from the learners  Prepares the classroom environment with the necessary learning tools, materials, and resources for active involvement of the learners  Values and encourages responses and, when these responses convey misconceptions, effectively explores the cause and appropriate guides the learners  Constantly alert to learning obstacles and guides learners when necessary. SOME ACHIEVEMENTS  Since about 3 years ago, Directorate of Elementary and Middle Schools, Directorate General of Elementary and Middle Education, Department of National Education in collaboration with the Center for School of Science and Mathematics, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University have developed contextual teaching and learning materials (lesson plan, student book, student worksheets and evaluation) for Physics, Biology and Math subjects in Junior Secondary School.  As a pilot project, the materials above have been tried out to some schools in Surabaya, and in the provinces of East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and Gorontalo. The results have now being evaluated.  During September – November 2001, the Department of National Education in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW), College of Education, WA USA, LAPI-ITB Bandung, and Surabaya State University had trained 21 junior secondary science schools teachers from the 6 provinces above (Batch-1 group).  The teachers above had completed an in-country and overseas fellowship program on contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and materials development, held in Surabaya State University and the UW, WA USA.  Objectives of the program:  The teachers understand the philosophical and theoretical foundation of CTL  To know the rationale and emerging impetus for a ‘CTL National Trust’ in the USA education and the rationale for CTL in Indonesian setting  To plan, develop, implement and evaluate some teaching and learning materials for junior secondary schools Physics, Biology and Math subjects  To have knowledge of classroom action research (CAR). The teachers are now back to their home schools to implement their achievements into their classes, monitored by Surabaya State University.  The 2 nd Batch group of junior secondary science teachers from the same provinces above are now on the progress to sit at the same program (February to April 2002) carried out in Surabaya State University and the UW, WA USA. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1.To all the conference committee members for the efforts to materialize the conference, & for the invitation. 2.To UNESCO for the sponsorship.