Grace CHENG Lewis CHOI Knowledge Management Unit Hospital Authority Leveraging Knowledge from Clinical Guidelines through Information Technologies
e-Knowledge Gateway Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances repositories of knowledge about ideal practice e-Knowledge Gateway (eKG) a knowledge portal to support evidence-based clinical practice Background
e-Knowledge Gateway Background 2: Guideline Life Cycle Health Outcomes Evaluation Implementation Dissemination Scientific Evidence Creation / Development Updates
e-Knowledge Gateway Adapt a guideline document model that processes knowledge embedded in guidelines Proof of concept Integration with e-Knowledge Gateway services Objectives
e-Knowledge Gateway Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concept for description of embedded knowledge in guideline XML technologies for markup and linking Exemplified with Guideline Element Model (GEM) Design
e-Knowledge Gateway UMLS
e-Knowledge Gateway UMLS Concepts UMLS
e-Knowledge Gateway UMLS
e-Knowledge Gateway GEM
e-Knowledge Gateway GEM
e-Knowledge Gateway GEM
e-Knowledge Gateway GEM
e-Knowledge Gateway Guideline Life Cycle Health Outcomes Evaluation Implementation Dissemination Scientific Evidence Creation / Development Updates
XSL Transformations
Link to full text guideline
Discussion Forum
Link to profiled updates
HK Medicine Online
eKG Gateway Search
PubMed Search
Full text journal article
reminder of Expiry; Facilitate automatic search
Guideline Comparison
Selective dissemination to pathologist
e-Knowledge Gateway Web resources and services integration through metadata, meta-thesaurus, XML environments –Cross platform/system retrieval –Knowledge generation through discussion –Targeted and flexible display and dissemination Guideline cycle and development process support –Systematic and supplementary search using profiles –Link recommendation explicitly with evidence –Prompt developer for revision on new evidence Summary
e-Knowledge Gateway Guideline life cycle sustained through eKG integrated web services Scope for integrating queries from clinical systems for decision support Conclusion