Update and Plan for Spring 2011 Yi Guo, Zheng Wang, Wenlin Zhang RavenShield Weekly Meeting Jan. 24, 2011
Agenda Personnel changes Feedback from the IPR meeting and discussion of ideas Plan for Spring 2011
Centralized vs. Distributed Spectrum Sensing Centralized Scheme: – Fusion center (common receiver) – Reporting channels Distributed Scheme: – Local information exchange without the central station
Potential Testbed Development (In collaboration with Profs. Yingying Chen and Yu-Dong Yao) About USRPs are needed (currently 4 available). Using Agilent signal generator to simulate different kinds of signal band, e.g., TV band, 3G, etc.
Potential Testbed Development - Software Architecture – Mobility Control Component: Controlling the mobility of the primary or secondary users in the system; – Spectrum Sensing Component: Sensing the spectrum usage for different kinds of wireless networks; – Application-specific Component: Applying different functionality in the system.
Next Step Theoretical proof of the proposed distributed consensus-based spectrum sensing algorithm Extensive simulations Performance comparisons A comprehensive report and a GLOBECOM paper (deadline March 1, 2011) Laboratory testbed development