UnixUnix Basic
Convention Italic text indicates text displayed by the computer system. For example, login: indicates a login prompt displayed by the system. If you see bold text. You type the text exactly as shown. For example, more file_name means that you type more followed by a file name of your choice. You type the corresponding key on the keyboard. For example, means you hold down the key while pressing the key. [...]Represents the optional items in a command-line entry.
File System Root / CPCCUX1 Staff Student dcykchodcywchan
Some useful commands ls (list the content) man (manual) pwd (present working directory) cd (change directory) chmod (change the mode) cat (type the content)
Example – ls ls – l (long listing)
Example – pwd
Example – cd cd./public_html
Example – logout
Example – cat
vi command Esc (Move cursor) h j k l $ (end of line) Esc (insert or append character) a append after the character i insert before the character Esc (delete line or character) dd delete a line dw delete a word x delete a single character Esc (write to a file) :wq write and quit :q! Quit only