Outline Intelligence Sexuality
Intelligence Important individual difference variable Impacts consistency in responding in many areas of life (school, work, relationships) Component of ‘personality’ Defined: Ability to reason, solve problems, think abstractly, acquire knowledge & process information efficiently
Intelligence Nature & nurture OD: g or s Stability Test validity Culture free tests? Raven Progressive Matrices
Intelligence h2 ~ .50 Increasing h2 with increasing genetic relationship (MZ r = .87, DZ r = .50, no relationship r = 0.0) Leaves substantial environmental influence
Environmental Influences Scarr (1992): Minimally acceptable environment Bell Curve: Genetics key Genotype = phenotype Parenting, special programs not influential
Environmental Influences (discussion) How might the environment influence intelligence? Range & genotype v. outcome & phenotype Social programs useless?
Intelligence: Issues/Controversies h2 increases w/ age (30% in kids to 70% in adults) IQ measure better for older Genetic influence increases w/ age h2 -> Environment selection & IQ Flynn effect (1987) IQ (g) increased 3 points/decade for 70 years
Flynn Effect (Flynn, 1987)
Reaction Paper 8: Flynn Effect What is the Flynn effect? What are some potential explanations for this phenomenon? Why do you think this is occurring?
Sexuality Sex, Gender identity, sexual orientation Individual difference V impacts functioning Key component of ‘personality’
Sex & Gender Sex - biology (chromosomes, anatomy) Gender - psychology Identity - self-perceived gender Guides functioning How do we form our gender identity? BIOLOGY v. SOCIAL LEARNING
Gender Formation: Biology Sex (& gender) differentiated prenatally Chromosomes (XX, XY) -> Gonadal development (testes, ovaries) -> Hormone production (testosterone, estrogens) -> Reproductive organs & gender Brain Atypical development & GI due to hormone balances
Gender Formation: Social Learning Social and cultural influences key We respond to kids ala gender roles Model & reinforce gender appropriate behaviors Tabula Rosa view of gender at birth All due to social influences (discount BIO) Any child could develop a male or female GI 18 months child has GI & it perpetuates
Gender Formation: Social Learning Genetic disorders/accidents -> babies Born w/ ambiguous genitals SL approach says gender assignment Surgery and raise as chosen gender VIDEO Limitations of nature Powerful impact GI has on functioning
Sex Surgery (discussion) You’re child is born w/ ambiguous genitalia. The doctor recommends assigning a gender & surgically modifying the genitals. Would you do as the doctor advises? If yes what gender would you choose & why? Do you think this sort of procedure is ethical?
Sexual Orientation Erotic attraction & interest in romance, love Heterosexual (opposite) Homosexual (same) Bisexual (both?)
Biology & Sexual Orientation Genes (X chromosome) Concordance for MZ = ~50%, DZ = ~20% Hormones (testosterone) Activating effect (~intensity not direction) Prenatal effects Brain ~Hypothalamus smaller among homosexuals Motor tasks: gay men~heterosexual women Inner ears of lesbians ~ heterosexual males
Psychology & Sexual Orientation Bower (1996) Bem: Exotic Becomes Erotic Temperament influences play behavior Play with opposite sex kids Same gender becomes unfamiliar and exotic Produces arousal interpreted as sex. excitement
Erotic Plasticity (Baumeister, 2000) Degree sexual behavior shaped or changed by cultural and social factors Women’s sexuality more plastic Men’s sexuality more linked to physical (nature) Women’s sexuality linked to social, cultural Vs
Activity 10: Erotic Plasticity In groups of 3-4 Describe the 3 hypotheses of Baumeister & at least 1 source of evidence for each Is there any evidence that fails to support these Hos? What is your reaction to the idea that women have higher erotic plasticity? Do you think all women are higher than men? If not what Vs impact erotic plasticity among women? PLEASE TURN IN AT END OF CLASS