Reviews - Critics “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is simply one of the best role-playing games ever made.” Gamespot.com9.3/10 IGN.com9.3/10 1UP.com9.0/10 Gamespy.com4/5 Gamerankings.com9.3 /10
Reviews - Critics Great things Huge, lavishly detailed world offers tremendous amount of action and adventure Main mechanics like combat, stealth, and magic are fun and well designed Impressive artificial intelligence and hundreds of believable characters Outstanding symphonic score, as well as excellent voice acting and sound effects Tremendous replay value, plus gorgeous graphics to make it easy on the eyes. Stunning spell-building and alchemy systems. Not-so-great things Frequent though fairly brief loading times You might run into some issues with performance. Bugs and technical issues; Poor character animations; AI limitations; console-style interface.
Reviews - Players Overall rating Difficulty Time spent Based on 1565 player reviews. From